Ground texture - Low resolution - Internet incorrect Bandwidth


my Fs is running well, with high setting and all data set to “activated”
but i noticed that when i’m flying there is not much data downloaded.
i have 400mbps on my computer through wifi.

my configuration is the following :

R9 3900X 12C @4.3Ghz - AORUS ELITE X570 - 32GB 3200MHz - MSI GTX1080 - SSD 256go x2 - SSD 512go - Phanteks Evolv ATX Tempered Glass - Kraken X62

i don’t understand. I flew around 3 hours yesterday and the game only downloaded 1.3go data.
the ground textures seem not “detailed” 600ft or 27 000ft

am i the only one to notice this?


In “Options > General > Data” check that “Bing Data World Graphics” and “Photorammetry” are “ON”

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as i told, all settings are ON.


I checked again my internet, and my wifi is running at 400 mbps in the game, which mean the game isn’t downloading high quality Bing texture (if it was, the bandwidth would be lower)

Now, i’m downloading a small area in advance to check the difference, but when i see how many times he needs to download it, it think there is an issue somewhere…


Same problem on this bug game … come on… downloading with 1 MBits !!! What’s thell is this ?? I have 100mbits speed connection


I’m feeling less alone now…
i’m not crazy, there is an issue with the internet downloading on Bing data


At least you managed to get over 1GB. The most I’ve seen the game download over a several hour play session was 250mb.


same problem we have in another topic

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Did the precache work for you? I’m in the same situation but haven’t tried that yet.

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Yes it works, but same quality, thus i mean perhaps it’s the same and it’s just me…

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I noticed the same but worst. Two days and only 10 MIB consumed

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Try changing in-game servers to the next closest location.

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It is connected to the right server. That’s not the problem in my case.

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Guys you are right, There is too low ZL settings the higher you fly. It looks like garbage from anything above FL200.

And my connection is utilized for 0,5 - 2 Mbps max
(9900K, rtx 2080 Ti, no matter resolution LOD is the same).


I’m happy to see I’m not alone on this case.

They recommend to have a 50 mbps internet bandwidth but the game uses no more than 1 or 2 mbps during flights.

And like the picture above, the higher you fly the lowest is the ground texture quality.


i have same ■■■■!!! What we can do!!

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no answer from some microsoft helpers!! what a company


You all have some valid observations that could be either completely normal performance for v1.0 or an issue. There has not been much discussion on this particular topic, but we will keep an eye out if discussion picks up.

Recommend you send in a Zendesk ticket to report your findings then check you email for a response from MS/Asobo.

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I did already, and I referenced this thread in it


That link gives me a 404, even though I’m logged in to Zendesk