September 26, 2024 Development Update Blog Discussion

Check out the latest Development Update blog post here:

Please use this thread for feedback and discussion. Thank you!


So if I understood correctly the passage on purchases made on the marketplace or from other developers, all this content purchased for MSFS 2020 will be transferable to msfs 2024, is that right? If so, that’s great news.

Yes, for the most part, that is true.
There is no guarantee that “all” will work, there may well be the odd thing or so that doesn’t.
Non-MSFS produced items from FS2020 will not use any of the new features of FS2024.
Those third party developers would have to update their product to incorporate these features, and the developer may charge for that.
However, the product should work just fine without any upgrade.

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On that note:

Will the pricing for the Premium Deluxe on MS Store ($129.99) be the same in Steam??
They are charging €139.99 (EUROS) and saying that Microsoft is CONTROLLING the pricing???
Why the huge difference in pricing? Are we to be considered different?
Can anyone from Microsoft acknowledge that something is very wrong here??

Any info about when the ATR update will release?

@SeedyL or anyone.
I don’t know how this forum works. I’m from Spain and for me this is difficult.
Please, I want someone to eliminate the trees in the LEYE spanish Yecla aerodrome.
There are some trees that in real Life don’t exist and they are ruining my gaming experience. I wish if this could be fixed and another aerodromes if they are reportes.
Because you can’t land if a tree IS in your track if you’re in damage on.

Another thing please don’t make MSFS 2024 a only online game. I want to play It offline to. Please make It compatible with download if you want. My internet is not good and I don’t want to pay games that are only servers depending. I don’t want to pay for MSFS 2024 if you don’t make It offline to. For me this is a bad idea and I don’t feel safe with only online servers depending games.

If someone could send this to moderators or something I’ll be pleased. Thanks everyone for reading me and apologised for my english.
Have everyone a good day.

I would suggest for anyone with Steam 2020 to only buy Steam 2024. And anyone with Store 2020 to only buy Store 2024. In the Dev update, Jorg said the Steam marketplace cannot interact with the Store marketplace.

Both Steam and Store 2020 work well and with not a whole lot of difference. So I would stay with the same platform to make sure I don’t lose tons of content purchased in the Marketplace.

It seems they promise that almost all 2020 assets can be moved to 2024 and they will work fine… But 2024 has to know that indeed you did own them on 2020. So I would stick with Steam or stick with Store and not change.

This issue would not off course apply to things in Community, instead of in Official. But things in Official came from the marketplace or were default with the sim itself.

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Hi @ChristianTanque ,

There are many airports around the world that have unwanted trees interfering with landing approaches. This has been reported here: