Serious issues piling up

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Hello everyone,

Amazing game and I’ll keep saying an amazing sim. I’m sure the team is doing their best to resolve the issues. I have some I’d like to share with you.

First I’m using the Xbox X|S series. Using Msft version.

Downloaded a lot of the developer add ons from the marketplace and my game is up to date. Some of the issues I’m encountering.

  1. Clouds appear like pixels when passing through them.

  2. CTD’s in the Barron G58 and KingAir.

  3. Low bandwidth messages especially over areas with high density of graphics or after bought the graphic scenery enhancements for NYC and Chicago.

  4. Flying the F-15. If you decided to be a professional and start the aircraft by your own, the whole game crashes. Very unfortunate. To the team who developed this package and is selling for around 50 USD, why I can’t use the features on the aircraft?

  5. ATC bugs (sometimes ATC voice disappear and only I see the messages in text OR my copilot sound disappear when it’s on AI ATC communication)

Amazing game and I still believe many of the issues are developer related that now is eating up within the game itself, I hope this gets resolved asap.

Hello @MOAB9677, thank you for your feedback.

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