Server issues July 2

Same here. Thought it was my PC as I checked XBOX Live services Status and it still says every things up and running… bummer… really wanted to try the latest City Update.

Was gonna do a flight from Hawaii to Tahiti on our ACJ so I feel you.



Must be a big problem as they can’t even update their Service Status :roll_eyes:

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the status website shows all service up and running, but i can still not login ??

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Xbox Status Page states “all services up and running” as of 2 mins ago…

disregard - saw the above post.

It would appear that the status page is not accurately reporting the status of the servers.

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Our team does not control the information posted on the Xbox status page. We know that the appropriate Xbox support team is aware of this issue and are currently working to restore normal service. We’ll share more information with you as soon as we learn more.




Still not connecting even if the status pages shows that the services are online.

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…but thats a Status page for … no :slight_smile:

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UPDATED - Anyone unable to launch MSFS (Steam/PC and XboX)?

Hello guys, despite Xbox say “All is normal” (check status: Xbox Support)
MSFS is unable to launch since the todays update, can star xbox session.


Think its about time they figured out a way that we can still use the sim when Xbox goes down. I could just be practicing take offs and landings at my favourite Airport Humberside!


I heard a bit of a “whoooosh!!!” as that went over my head. :slight_smile:

:wave: Thank you for using the Bug section, using templates provided will greatly help the team reproducing the issue and ease the process of fixing it.

Are you using Developer Mode or made changes in it?


Have you disabled/removed all your mods and addons? If the issue still occurs with no mods and add-ons, please continue to report your issue. If not, please move this post to the User Support Hub.


Brief description of the issue:

I’m unable to even start MSFS tonight. A modal dialog box appears, telling me that it wasn’t possible to log in on Xbox Live. The 0x80004005 error code was given.

I love MSFS and have been flying daily (an hour or more) the last year. BUT! When you buy a product, you expect that it will work. But each time I try to start MSFS, there is a 2% risk of the app not starting.

Often the app hangs on the “Checking for updates” page. Sometimes it just freezes. Sometimes I can start it but discover that some aircraft or liveries have mysteriously disappeared. Sometimes there is a mandatory update I have to download. With my 500 mbit/sec connection, that should be fast, but MSFS often refuses to download faster than 2 mbit/sec, and sometimes won’t download at all. And today some Xbox Live issue.

Why in the world do I even need an Internet connection to play?

I have 4 TB of disk space. Why can’t I simply get all the data on my local machine, so that I can use the product I have purchased every time I want to.

I mean, to some extent, software worked better 30 years ago. Then you installed your app and it continued to work until you yourself messed something up.

Today, apparently, other people are messing it up for you.

Not ok, Microsoft!

Provide Screenshot(s)/video(s) of the issue encountered:


Detailed steps to reproduce the issue encountered:

Press the WIndows key, type “flight” and press Return.

Many issues may be due to an outdated graphics card. Please state your Graphics Card Driver Manufacturer (NVIDIA, Intel, AMD) and Version (Learn how to find your current graphics card driver version):

PC specs and/or peripheral set up if relevant:

Build Version # when you first started experiencing this issue:

:loudspeaker: For anyone who wants to contribute on this issue, Click on the button below to use this template:

Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?

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Now we need a new site to show if Xbox Support is not also offline… How ridiculous this is…


But that ISSUE SHOULD be displayed on the Staus Page or what is the Staus Page for ??
Makes no sense to have a Status page which schows wrong information ??!!


Maybe the status page is also malfunctioning? :stuck_out_tongue:


As I posted above, the MSFS team has no control over what information is posted on that page. I can confirm that the Xbox Support team is aware that there is an issue and are working on a solution regardless of what the status page is currently displaying.



Which is fine, but repeatedly sharing the link to a status page that is not working isn’t overly helpful. :slight_smile: