Servers Down - Stutters - Connection Issues [June 2024]

Yep, doing about 5 things at once right now and only have 2 hands haha! I’m updating shortly. :sweat_smile:

Yeah, yesterday was patchday. So I guess we all had a windows update. Could be the issue (maybe). But not necessarily. Let’s see how it goes, when they fixed their MSFS online issue.

NO to my guess,

I don’t have still new updates from yesterday, if I good see and had at today morning all ok with sim. Looks like we need wait for some report about issue, best in root of Forum as highlited message.

Bing Data Outage - June, 13th 2024 - Official Microsoft Flight Simulator / News & Announcements - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums

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Same Problem here, Germany.

Here’s a note

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Same . Freezing even in menu

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Lol, thx for your active support and prompt taking action!


Ok folks,

many thnx to report here, they’ve set that report window so I think is no necessary continue here with reports, we need wait. Many thnx to all for confirmations.

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Same here. Unplayable at the moment.

Bing Data Outage - June, 13th 2024 - Official Microsoft Flight Simulator / News & Announcements - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums

Still unplayable on PC (Windows 11 - Steam Version) in western USA. It’s not just Bing data, either. I can’t download from the marketplace at speeds greater than 1mbps.


I’m on Xbox X. For me, bing maps also loads poorly, & experiencing the pausing people mentioned, and quite some lag in general on load and throttling up to take off. Ie control response lag.

And the draw distance is/remains terrible. Chicago skyline is grey. Unless you fly right above, in, next to it. More than a mile out textures are gone.

Note: using CS c130, FSDream Team KORD, and DD Chicago city. iPhone to take pic of tv for screenshot


Same problem here,completely unplayable in the USA on Steam Version. Freezing every 5-10 seconds

Oh, I already wanted to throw my PC thru window and than yell to my ISP.
Because sim freezes about every 20 sec for 2 seconds and my scenery is not loaded. Flying KJFK to KMEM, scenery looks like that from FSX.
I thought my PC is freezing without reason and my ISP not providing me good connection.

Same issue here, at first i was thinking about an issue with my PC…but seems it’s server side : freeze every 15-20 sec, low or no scenery loading… just unplayable

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Same here, Windows 10.

Flight pauses for a few seconds every 15 seconds or so.

Tried clearing my rolling cache, no difference.

Turned off Online Functionality - no difference.

Today is the first day it’s happening - I don’t think there’s anything different with my system.

How to troubleshoot?

Same issue- Freezes every 12-18 seconds, even from main map screen. Im on PC version.

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Same here, freezes for 1-3 seconds every 10-15 sec, PC, steam.

Again, no server scenery, just default FSX scenery after the outage earlier this week. Same periodic freezing as everyone else, I estimate every 15-20 seconds there is a 3-4 second pause.

No it’s not my ISP as someone suggested. It it were my ISP other things would fail. Nothing else disconnects and faulters 2 or 3 times a week like MSFS does (though admittedly when MSFS does go down 2 or 3 times a week it’s usually back up before I notice the scenery change, don’t get me wrong most drops don’t affect me any more than by putting up those annoying big red text banners right in the middle of the screen, destroying my immersion).

I use the internet pretty much constantly when I’m home. Where something else DOES go offline I always find others having the same problem as me, ergo it’s not something specifically to do with my own connection.

Come on, guys! This doesn’t happen in other online games, not in games that have been around for the best part of 5 years and CERTAINLY not where a game has the almighty Microsoft fully behind it.

Someone replied to my post here the other day saying words to the effect of “nowhere in the terms and conditions does it say they MUST provide a fully functional server to which a never failing internet connection is possible 24/7/365” and to “just relax”. Look, maybe if this was a one-off everyone would agree, I certainly would, but it happens all the time. Nowhere in ANY game developer’s T&Cs does it say they must always provide a stable connection, but most of them are able to do it anyway. You know why they do it anyway? Because if they don’t, people tend to go and play something else, which is precisely what I’m about to go and do.

Ultimately I wouldn’t mind so much if it didn’t happen so much. I don’t get to sit at home all day and night to play this thing so when I can’t do the thing I paid to be able to do, and when it happens a lot, I get a bit annoyed. Anyone would. It would also help greatly if I didn’t get bombarded with a huge block of text right in the centre of the screen every time the connection drops out for a millisecond.