Servers Down - Stutters - Connection Issues [June 2024]

This isn’t a good sign on an existing “old” platform. Msfs2024 release = servers crash. And of course today is a Thursday, so if this keeps happening, I can see another delay of marketplace updates. A few times now it’s been pushed due to other sim updates. Frustrating.


Also having frequent freezes. Beyond annoying now.


I am playing a totally fresh install from just a few days ago and everything was perfect until around 13:45 today, when world data now keeps failing to load and the sim keeps freezing up.


I had never had these long pauses before and thought it may be the last Windows update causing issues. Luckily I came in here before uninstalling my drivers and updates.

Yep I have been scratching my head monitoring everything for an hour to see if I could find what was causing it. Luckily checked this forum before I closed the sim and changed drivers etc.

Just when our confidence is on the up THIS happens. it has to improve this really is just nowhere near good enough microsoft.


This is exactly what I see here to, on Xbox.
Hope the team can sort it out soon.
I‘ll just take a day off and use the pause for some serious inspections of my Comanche.
Had a prop failure the other day :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Regards, Frank

Well, I feel a lot better knowing it’s not something going on with my PC :slight_smile:

I’m sure they’ll get it sorted out.

What’s going on? 2 days now the scenery looks like XP12 in the UK/Europe. Tried all the usual… It started here since the servers were down, and has never improved.

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Same here … exactly stutters of 1 or 2 seconds ecery 29 or 30 seconds… it’s frustrating and annoying


Seeing everything okay here in the UK, according to the status page.

Not willing to start the sim just in case there are issues. I’m not tempting fate around profile loss. :wink:

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I’m in uk and I’ve got nothing to shout about I’m afraid my pc flight sim is an absolute waste of time at the moment. It was all going so well I was starting to feel happy with it but today is a waste of time.

same here too.
im parked, with engines off. no weather. no traffic.
someone explain why bing data server would cause stutter (freeze) every 30 seconds


Broken for me and I’m UK based. Freezes every 30 seconds, even when just in the menu screens. Such a frustrating piece of software!!!


The freezes are probably the sims ungraceful way of handing a server that refuses to accept connections.


I was going to say the same thing :slight_smile: Unwilling to respond or unable to respond. Either way something is timing out.

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No connection right now. Terrible.

Servers are this bad mid week, imagine what they will be like when a certain 777 is released haha.

All these outages do make me concerned for 2024. Though I have thought of a workaround for the freezes. If you time your blinks to align with the freezes, it won’t look like anything is broken!