Servers Down - Stutters - Connection Issues [June 2024]

…this is why i’m not a fan of “cloud gaming”


It seems fishy to me that both the XBox, and PlayFab status pages show nothing amiss.

same problem at home! nothing goes right !

Turn on multiplayer - apply and save.

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All of a sudden im getting this WARNING… was fine when i bought 2 addons for £20, done a full re-install etc… Internet still 100% speed… and still no change.


Is this causing the stuttering I have today? the sim freezes for 2-3 seconds, and it seems I can’t load some maps and landmarks properly. I purchased MSFS in April and have never seen issues like this, but I’m also quite new and can’t tell what is the impact of these issues…notice there’s a message in the forum as shown below…What is the impact of this when flying in MSFS?

I can launch the sim.
Tried pmdg737 and Fenix.
Had severe stutters every 30s or so.
Thought it was somrhing else, but see similar reports here, so it might be ralated to the server issues. Never had that problem before.
Bing maps not loading.

PC, steam.

Same here! Servers down, severe stutters.

Sometimes stucked on: Checking updates…

And if sim started normally then there is problem with game and there are some shutters game/freezing. In main menu are freeze too. Maybe linked with Bing map problem?

PC, Xbox version

My main question is why it’s still happening even with data turned off.

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This is why it’s I don’t like all this stuff based on the cloud. It will get even worse with 2024.

It’s unacceptable in my opinion to pay for software and not be able to use it.



Same issue here in France. Severe stutters and lags every few seconds.
Hope that MSFS 2024 won’t be plagued with this, although I doubt it because after four years of MSFS 2020 these problems still occur.

Freezes are making the sim unplayable, hoping Asobo is working on a hotfix they should at least acknowledge it

Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?

same - game freezing every 25-30 seconds, no bing textures being loaded in the world map

Provide extra information to complete the original description of the issue:

Game locks up for around 1-2 seconds completely, audio is still audible when this happens.

If relevant, provide additional screenshots/video:

additional info, troubleshooting steps taken - Tried all servers, tried offline, cleared data cache, restarted PC, updated windows, updated graphics drivers, restarted router, started in safe mode issues still persist. I imagine is the Azure servers as they have been really slow today (i work with them)
further info - specs - RTZ 4080 super, Ryzen 7 3700x3d 64gb DRR4 4000mhz, UK based.

Same issues with the stutters. I noticed them first about 3 hours ago. Went offline to see if it was an issue with the online services and they persisted. I thought it might be something related to my PC and went to play other graphical demanding games without issues. After restarting the PC, stutters persist. It’s quite strange that an online issue can break/affect the game performance even when offline.

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bingservers down

M S store but on pc very bad stutter unplayable


I was stuttering with bad slow down not long before i got that message, and now totally unable to load into any location.


Same terrible stutters here in Virginia! Simulator is not playable! At times I have a complete pause for many seconds in service?