Servers Down - Stutters - Connection Issues [June 2024]

This gets old


Now itā€™s confirmed that servers and network issue can cause stutters and performance degradation.


The flux capacitors blown at the server HQ

Thank you all for your continued patience with the current connection and stutter issues. The development team are still working to resolve this as soon as possible, and we will provide any further update as soon as more information is available.

The MSFS Team


Thank you we hope it is sooner than later

Anyone got a screwdriver and soldering iron please.


Xbox Xā€¦ like this all morningā€¦ canā€™t even start a flight . Itā€™s my day off and my birthday! I was so looking forward to flying today.


An xbox simmer here. Was flying & working fine yesterday, loaded up this afternoon & got this message even though my network is all fine. Can I assume its to do with the Current bing data server issue?


Happy birthday! :balloon::birthday:


Iā€™m also scared to even see if this issue is affecting me.

The last time I accidentally started the sim whilst the servers were down, I didnā€™t know they were down, I lost all my settings, all the assistance options, all the control bindings and sensitivities for like 30 aircraft.

Took absolutely hours to re do them all and having to fine tune all the sensitives for all my aircraft.

We really need a way of storing these settings locally so that we arenā€™t reliant on Microsoftā€™s unreliable servers for storing profiles in the cloud.


Same issue here.

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Happy birthday to you.


Itā€™s weird. I managed to get rid of the stutters.
Funny how changing the settings to offline has stutters but if I actually unplug the ethernet cable from my PC, stutters are goneā€¦


Iā€™m on a brand new PC build, new install of MSFS, had no issues with the sim flying the A2A Comanche around. No major addons. Then I installed PMDG 737 and all the fixings. Iā€™m currently experiencing the same as the OP and even in the menus, not in flight. I am getting a hard freeze, every few minutes, that lasts a couple seconds. Just enough to skip over a button press or tie you up on an important transition of flight.

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Have fun with FS2000 :wink:

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This is a bit ridiculous. Almost 24 hours and no fixā€¦


Itā€™s beginning to look as though they a big deal going on. Iā€™m annoyed because when I put the sim on earlier I thought it was my problem. As a previous poster mentioned it will be MOST annoying if all of my saved profiles have gone west.


I have not had problems with msfs 2020 for roughly a year. Now since SU15ā€¦problems.
Yesterday it was checking for updates so msfs was unusable.
Today every 20 or so seconds msfs freezes for about 5 seconds and then resumes.
Also today no photogrammetry at all.
MSFS has never frozen on me, howcome now???

What is happening or what have they done now?
Can anybody give me any pointers??? Please as I am out of ideas.

I donā€™t believe this can be overstated. How many hours have we spent trying to resolve stutters when some or most of the issue could be related to faulty servers?


just doing a flight from egdd to eham having lots of stutters like 4-5 seconds never had stutter probs before