Servers Down - Stutters - Connection Issues [June 2024]

I’ve received confirmation that the stutter and performance issues those of you are facing today are directly linked to this current Bing Data outage. We’re still working hard to get everything back up and running as soon as possible!


At least it’s not a “you” issue as i thought it was this morning. I did a complete re install. That’s an hour i’m never getting back :')


+1 to this problem, no Bing maps and a freeze every roughly 30s

Most of the time a full re-install isn’t going to fix anything, and just waste your time. There are rare exceptions, and even then there are better ways with dealing with that problem, like removing individual packages that may be causing the issue so it forces the sim to download new copies of them.


I think this needs some proper investigation and communication as the hours/days/months some (many) of us have wasted and toiled thinking its our PC’s or addons, when in reality there’s a very good chance it was server related and there was nothing we could do about it…


I thought the terrain looked bad and I was getting stutters. I was wondering what was wrong. I guess we’ll have to wait for this to get sorted.

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Yea i thought i had corrupted something after i bought a couple of add ons…so did a full re-install…but that didn’t fix
anything unfortunately.


With a new product in the frame I will want assurance that these current issues will be cured. I really do wonder if a large portion of peoples problems regarding stuttering etc were not our issue but caused by what appears to be inadequate server facilities.


Here’s something else to consider. Back in the dark ages when I worked with Unix servers and Oracle databases, we would reboot the servers every month or so to “reclaim resources” and for several days after that, performance improved. So take note - when this problem is resolved, if your stutters are reduced, then that could at least indicate that server resources could be related.

If that proves to not be the case, then so be it. But ColonelDaanVB is correct - at the very least, this needs investigation.


Thought my VR headset was messed up–a few seconds of black every 25 seconds…

Then I came to the forum…

Don’t know whether to laugh or cry…

So doing both —> :joy:


I would think all stutters are caused by server issues would be tough to prove 100% given the wide variation of personal hardware and changes that occur all the time that are non server related. However given that I see quite a bit of variation in smoothness (One day its great - the next day its horrible and back and forth) this situation today certainly makes more likely to believe that more of this variation in smoothness is related to server capacity.


I guess the thing that bothers me most is there has to be a better way for MS to notify us of outages like this. I’m reading here that people are reinstalling the entire sim thinking it’s their problem (I never recommend doing that however) and jumping through all kinds of hoops trying to get the sim to function. When in fact it’s a MS server problem. They HAD to have known that there was a problem…or the team a MS is just asleep behind the wheel. Just my opinion. There must be a better way to notify all of us users that there is an issue happening. I know that that they have all of our emails… and i seem to get notifications about every little thing that MS or Xbox is trying to sell…but never that there is a problem.


It’s a little misleading to say that performance is currently degraded. I would say that the current issues make it totally unusable. Come all there is an elephant in the room. I know the forum has rules but surely we should be allowed to voice our displeasure. After all we are the ones who pay to use this product.



same as me. If I good remember from Day1 of sim, first stutters what I’ve discovered were that related with the first attempt to fly on Vatsim :slight_smile: Team did in that time quick hot solution and I was happy like a kid :slight_smile: From this time I’ve never had problems with some periodical stutters like this, if I good remember. With that ETH cable disconnection, it is probbaly situation that you have active connection to Internet via ETH cable to router, same I expect with WiFi or dongle USB devices.

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Hi @Rsbw007,

We’re always welcoming feedback as to how we can better provide information to users when there are issues present in the simulator. Unfortunately we aren’t able to send emails to every user who owns a copy of Microsoft Flight Simulator.

We do make an effort to ensure users are made aware of any outages, be it via forum posts such as this one, forum announcements with blue banners at the top of each topic, communication via our official Discord server, as well as our X/Twitter Support page (@MSFS_Support). These are manually updated by members of the team as information is provided to us, and in todays instance messages were posted within minutes of the fresh reports of a new Bing Data outage.

Thanks again for your feedback and patience as we work to resolve this as soon as possible.

The MSFS team


Does anyone know if this Bing outage also affects Steam users?

Yes, I’m a Steam user and I get no scenery (flat horizon) when I spawn.

Agreed and it shouldn’t be just improving server resources but MSFS2024 should also be able to handle lack of photogrammetry data by just displaying the default terrain without stuttering.


i’m on steam and i’m still affected. switching online data to off doesn’t help either.

Thank you for the quick response, I completely understand. I’m not mad at you, I’m just frustrated with the whole situation. Save a blessed day.