Set Landing Gear and Switch Panel binding issues

Has anyone else had the issue with the set landing gear command only responding to one command. I am using a homemade switch panel to control my aircraft switches, buttons etc. I am able to bind my switches properly to all the available switches in the sim except for the landing gear.

The description for the “set landing gear” says that a gear up/down is controlled by a 0/1 input. When I flip my switch to the gear up position the gear goes up, but when I flip it to gear down nothing happens. I have assigned that switch to other switches in the sim such as “Set Nav Light” or “Set Pitot Heat” and it works as intended. I have tried to assign other know working switches to the “set landing gear” and I get the same problem. I have even tried it on my buddy’s msfs and I’m getting the same result.

Hi there,

I have the same issue with a home-built panel. In addition to the “set gear”, I also have issues with “set starter”, which actually presses the start button in the cockpit but it doesn’t rotate the propeller and start. I assume it’s a bug.

This is exactly what I am dealing with too. I am working on my own panel and “set gear” doesn’t seem to work as expected. It only puts the lever to the Up position.
I also tried to assign it to axis with no success.

Hi durito79,

I have submitted a ticket to the Zebdesk team. I could not get the set starter to work either. Hopefully, they will get this fixed soon.

To control my starter key, I purchased a 4 position rotary switch from Amazon and assiged the forth position to “Magnetos start” and the first to “Magnetoes off”. With the mixture at 100% my engine starts when I rotate the switch to position 4 then move it to position 3 which is not wired. This allows me to simulate turning the key to “start” then “both”.

Hey GotharSVK,

Have to submited a ticket to the Zendesk? If enough people voice this concern maybe it will get fixed faster.

Not yet, I am new to this so I wasn’t sure if this is correct behaviour or not.
I will submit the ticket.
For now I am going to use a workaround: I plan to map the 1 position to the button and if the button is at 0, I will activate another output which will act as Gear up.
I am using Arduino Leonardo so it should work.

Oh ok. That sounds like a good idea. I have a single pole double switch that I am going to so the same this with in the mean time.

Hi Westindian,

Thanks for the workaround, I’ll ltry it! I have a 4-pos rotary knob as well, however switch back from starter position to Magnetos 1+2.

My workaround for the not working wheels is to use the Robin :smile:

Btw, I also use Arduino Leonardo, but also 2 Arcaze boards. I have a total of ~60 switches, ~10 rotary encoders, ~10 axis, that was a bit overwhelming for Arduino boards… Good luck with your project!

Hey durito79,

Cool, glad I could help. I saw that Amazon also has a 1 pole 5 terminal rotary switch and would allow you to select “OFF R L BOTH or START”.

Lol, the Robin is one way to go about it…:joy::joy:.

Wow, that’s a lot. Sounds like a huge project. Good luck!

Hey guys,

Good news. The Zebdesk has changed the status of my request to “solved”. Hopefully, well will see the change in an update in the near future.

Hey, thanks for ticket and the good news!

Actually, now that you mention it, I do have the 5 positions: Off, R, L, 1+2, start. All mapped accordingly, so I guess the problem is the 1+2 trigger when going back from ‘start’.


No problem. Ok cool, hope you get the switch working right.

Is that you actual setup or a screen shot from the Sim?

I will check and anyway hope to have it fixed sooner or later.
Haha, no it’s the actual setup. I love how perception changed from pre-MSFS “this looks as realistic as if it’s a real flight” to “this looks as realistic as if it’s MSFS”

Strangle enough, “Solved” just means that the error has been confirmed by Customer Service and put on a list of errors to fix.

There is a different (older) discussion on the same topic over here:


Wow, that is an amazing setup. Ha ha, yeah it’s so ironic that without even thinking about it, we compare real life to msfs in stead of the other way around.

I also have a question for you. Where you able to code your rotary knobs so that each turn registers and one click on the sim? Foe example, if when changing the altitude, are you able to sync each turn of the knob to represent 100, 200, 300 etc.

I ask because I have to rotate my knob one full turn sometimes two for it to work. I’m using a digital pot. I hope I’m making sense.

Hey Hendis55,

I know right. Hopefully they get to it in a near update. I know they got a lot going on.


I’ve read that one. It was what prompted me to ask the question again and also submit the service request. I realized that I’m not the only one who’s experiencing this issue.

Hi Westindian,

Thanks! However, I didn’t really build this myself, I just refurbished an old professional flight simulator so that it can be used for PC flight simulation.

No, I couldn’t find a good solution for the rotary knobs. They work, but not in well defined steps. The problem is the HID joystick interface, which I can’t control. My “panel joystick” detects clicks on the rotary knobs and sends it as joystick button press. Depending on the communication and simulation speed this button press then moves the simulated knobs, but not very consistently. I tried to tune it with specific lenght of the button press signal. Works well enough, but will need a different interface at some point…

Hey Durito79,

Oh ok, nevertheless it looks awesome.

I have found a very good rotary code online that works perfectly. I will post the link to the file and the video. I integrated it into my code and now I can increment my ALT, VS, HDG on every click of my rotary knob (i.e 1000, 2000, 3000 or 100, 200, 300 etc) in both CW and CCW directions.

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