Severe Problems on Xbox After Sim Update 9

It was a dissapointing Q&A, Xbox wise. All is said above me. I can’t even get exited about the upcoming ATR’s anymore, knowing it will probably bugged as hell on Xbox. This is where we have come.

They fix the map and startup CTD only for people to get going and spend money again . The many, many issues beneath that will never get fixed, they don’t care or they have no idea how to fix it.


Spot on it was better at start now its a joke.

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I just watched it and fully agree, they brushed over a few ‘awkward’ questions, the chat comments were full of users screaming for all the fixes we are and it gets ignored. What do i see we get now - a super mach-speed rocket plane gimmick - pointless and well over to the ‘game’ side and not a ‘sim’

I see we can expect even more wind effects coming up, but yet no mention of a slider to control effect/severity, plus the wheels will now start slipping in crosswinds :slight_smile:

Yet we still have CTD’s and stuttering - stuttering that i think Jorg said he has not seen at all :frowning:


I have come to a similar decision, I am using PC Builder and part finder to source the PC what sort of Spec are you going for? My build at the moment is around £2000. Not sure when I am going to press the button and go for it though. My inability to get past the loading of a flight is pushing me closer to it though, and the thought of having to completely reinstall of just reinstall the 50 Gbs of addons is not filling me with joy.

I apoligize for my negativity and i respect everyone who still enjoys this sim, but honestly how can one enjoy this sim excapt from some simple GA VFR flying. The moment you want to do some slightly serieus stuff, like for example some airline routes in the A320(but also offcourse 787,747 etc), it all falls apart, gigantic. The reasons why are all mentioned in this thread and elsewhere.

On Xbox this can’t be labeled as a Sim anymore, in my opinion.


I do find myself agreeing with this, as cynical as it is, unfortunately. If the game doesn’t boot up, you can’t spend any money in the marketplace. It’s not necessarily important if the game CTDs randomly
a lot, stutters, etc. People will still buy stuff.


Indeed, but you don’t seriously think they are not aware of the other ctds and performance issues in flight?
They would have had many support tickets sent to them making them aware and also just reading these forums, and they likely do not highlight all issues publicly because not all people have had ctds in flight where as the issues they mentioned were pretty common for everyone.

It all rests on SU10, its massive, it needs to fix performance issues for xbox, all we have had is a few rushed out sticky plasters over the last few weeks to try and fix issues.

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It sounds synical indeed, and i’m sorry for that but that’s the way i feel about it, unfortunately.

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I’m looking at around £1600. Have gone for an i7 12700, 3070ti, 32GB DDR4 3600 RAM, with a 2TB SSD.

No apology needed, in my opinion.

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You and many many other Xbox users (including me sometimes). You’ve nothing to apologise for. Xbox customers have some genuine grievances in terms of how the MSFS development process has been below an acceptable standard for a huge number of paying customers. Just the fact that the store is happy to sell DLC to users that hasn’t been tested on the Xbox (causing inevitable crashes) demonstrates either an appalling amount of ignorance about the state of the simulator on Xbox or (if the issues are known and understood) contempt for the users. Not a good look - and not surprising there’s a lot of frustration as a result of this.


i do think aswell that might be the real turning point. If it works and with it quality (avionics, planes) will arrive it’s going to be fine. If not i think it will be unberable for many.


Unfortunately for me (and I’d bet many orhers too) i cant justify buying a Pc with the Spec needed to run FS2020 hence why i went Series X.

As has been said before we DO know it can run well on Xbox, just not at the moment it would seem.



same here, though I’m fortunate enough to have a low end pc that at least can run and squeeze 30fps most of the time. Even though it’s far away from series x in terms of quality at least i can fly something worthy and i have zero issue in terms of ctd or stutters (which is my main issue on series x)

believe, it’s a pain for me to be forced to play on my pc instead of series x but no real choice these days, and to be honest I’m so fed up with default planes I won’t even start talking about them (let alone the payware offered except for very very very few)


That sounds like there’s some Flight Sim version of Stockholm syndrome creeping into the user base. Like we’re all so beaten down by the constant problems that some of us are starting to convince ourselves that it’s our fault that it doesn’t work, that maybe we just tried to get it to do too much by downloading that complex add-on airport or something.

Snap out of it man! Remember that the sim worked perfectly fine a few months ago, no matter what add-ons you had installed. The current chaos didn’t begin until Sim Updates 8&9 brought devastation on every level. Don’t ever forget that this is a problem with the sim software itself, not with some third-party add-on.

If it worked fine before, then there’s no excuse for it not to work just as well now. We shouldn’t accept anything less than that.


the concept is absolutely right though most of dlc airports always caused issues, even months ago

one of the first post i read after getting the game was a giant one about it

which makes the whole thing even worse

Yes, it was better at the start. Unfortunately, the only “joke” is at the expense of all the users who have stayed faithful only to be let down time and time again. This is not a joke, it’s a complete farce.


That’s strange. I have had the LVFR versions of Miami International and Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood, as well as Flightbeam’s Denver International, for quite a while and never had any issue until Sim updates 8 and 9 came along. Some of the larger third-party airports, especially Denver, reduced frame rate slightly when near them, or caused some small stutters, but it was minor compared to the mess that the sim is in now.

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I agree that the Q&A session was underwhelming in this regard. The developers probably misunderstood the problem (again). They reacted mainly to the WU9 crash debacle, which was fixed soon after, but not all the other Xbox stability issues. The simulator simply crashes frequently during any flight, and there’s no explanation for it, nor any promise for stability improvements. This is disappointing.

Another thing is that updates will be even less frequent going forward, which means any problems and bugs we get, we’ll be stuck with them for months.

And finally, the aircraft. The developers are praising all the great add-ons that have been released, however none of those are ever coming to Xbox. They said they even stopped developing their Cessna 310 because Milviz made such a great version. However, that’s not coming to Xbox. We’re simply left behind now. Disappointing.


It worked fine before, yes. But I have no faith we will return to a "fine Sim, I’m sorry. With every SU and WU it gets worse and worse. I see no reason this will change. Maybe, just maybe SU10 will turn things around, but I’m very doubtful.