Severe Problems on Xbox After Sim Update 9

What is happening has to do with software defects as root cause. Hardware just didn’t start to fail all of a sudden at SU9.


By default it is not installed…

İ know. Omg, i was kidding about Crash report system after CTDs.

And to be serious, the point is not we are reporting but the game telling us the reason of Crash.

The “report a problem” app isn’t terribly useful if the problem is CTDs, is it?

Xbox X REPORT UPDATE: Still flying in “offline” mode…no “CTD’s”, no flashing in the windows, just the mysterious turbulence (buffering) when flying. AP working as it should, no freezing VFR, or screen freezes either. All aircraft gauges working too. Bit of stuttering close to the ground or heavily populated areas (city’s, towns etc). Usually after 4000 to 5000 feet it goes away. Other than what I’ve mentioned I can still fly regardless. Just sharing folks. Just sharing.

Oh almost forgot…still no sound on the flash screens !


Oh and to add insult to injury, I’ve lost the flight hours for my last 2x flights! All 6 hours gone…

Last night, attempted free flight with a small passenger plane. Uncontrollable!!! The plane was not responding. The worst thing is that I watch the News and publicity is made on the Top Gun pack…

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My experiences today after several CTD’s yesterday, no crashes(of the sim!) BUT 3 flights with blank displays in cockpit, auto pilot not following any of the flight plan and then struggling to actually control the plane with AP off and no AI flying.
Found the menu a little bit less stuttering today but I obviously got lucky.
I do love this Sim, it is a great piece of work but sadly a lot of issues at the moment and I won’t go near the marketplace at the moment. Shame as I’m interested in the Vessels and airports plane pack!
Btw, playing on Xbox series S which is a fine machine.


So , bottom line is, this sim is completely broken on Xbox at this moment. Yes, perhaps it’s fine for some casual, not too long playtime in a Cesna or something, but for those who like to fly long(er) routes in airliners it is disastrous. If it’s not the CTD’s , also in midflight like me yesterday ( and that’s absolute killing), then its the frozen displays/avionics, AP not following flightplan ETC ETC ETC. Bought the E195 2 weeks ago for lack of good airliners on Xbox. 3 days i was able to fly with them, and it was fine then SU9 came and ever since i can’t use it because of the flightplan not loading in the MCU.

Worse, almost nothing from Asobo/ MS, rather than we are working on a patch, soon. It’s more then 2 weeks now. I guess TopGun DLC is more important to them.


+1 ! Same for me !

I’m really tired of waiting for this patch. And they announce TOP GUN! We’d rather have a patch.
Also I’m getting tired of having a bunch of airliners on PC that are still not available on XBOX. I bought the same game as a PC user though, right?


That’s because the WASM issue, but that’s another story. Speaking of that, i don’t see it’s going to be fixed in SU10. Not in the state the sim is right now.

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They can’t be missing those Top Gun deadlines eh?

Never mind that none of us are going to buy it because we couldn’t use it even if we did. The DLC sounded like possible fun but given the state we’ve seen Asobo’s local legends released in, not to mention the Reno fiasco, I’ll be very wary of it even if the sim does get fixed. I’d rather save my money for a 146 or 737 when they hopefully come to xbox after SU10. I’m really looking for something made with care and quality that works as advertised, because I’m not seeing much of that from Asobo right now.


What date is SU10?

Heres the development update planner…

The only thing I can agree with here is degraded performance. It’s really bad around San Francisco now.

But I’ve had no CTD’s, no menu issues, and no network disconnects, on PC at least. If the suggestion is it’s just the code to blame, then it should in theory at least affect everyone equally, which it clearly doesn’t.

Imagine that they will release Top Gun DLC running on top of SU9 in current state :grinning: :grinning: :grinning:

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We are the customers here so first thing that should not happen is that developers say that problem is caused by us because we have a poor connection or we are idiots that don´t know how to use our systems, but this is a different history. On the other hand, at least for PC, this runs on a Windows based system and connected to Xbox application. Both are owned by Microsoft. Blaming addons is another easy way to say that the problem is caused by somebody else. I have been using addons during almost 1 and a half years now and I only faced less than 10 addons that really caused problems like CTDs in very particular situations.

So, when a patch is released and after you install it you face problems without changing anything on your side then sure, we are right to say that the problem is on the code. No matter if this is the game one, Windows one or the Xbox application used to connect to servers. The responsibility to fix it is on the same side. Microsoft really needs to face the situation and address the work so that this pathetic situation is not repeated again. During 2022 the results are far from being acceptable. And we are not paying 10€ for an amateur developer work. This is a very expensive software.



Can it be true: MS/Asobo have 10.000s of SW engineers and they are not able to set three of them apart with 3 Xboxes hooked up to the external Internet and have them experiencing the problems first hand while having direct access to the dev team? :thinking:


I can’t agree more with this post. Unfortunately, the game is pretty unstable and unplayable on xbox at this moment. I have the game on series x. The world map is causing me 2-3 crashes before I even start a flight. In game, I can’t make more than 2 hours flight without crashing. Since the game was released, I’ve never managed to cross the atlantic without the game crashing. I only managed to cross the atlantic once I disabled the online functionality. What I’ve noticed is that the problem with this game at this moment, is bing maps. Personally, i believe Bing Maps are too hard or heavy for the sim to process. When I disabled the bing maps I was able to enjoy the game and it wouldn’t crash at any scenario. So my guess is that something is very wrong with bing maps.

Generally, I’m into airliners a lot. Most of the times, I want to make long flights and it’s pretty frustrating not being able to do that. But since I am having this problem not only in Update 9 but in all previous updates, I think it needs a good amount of time and effort to resolve this issue. I’d also want to let you all know I’m having a very good internet connection, so it’s not about internet speed or whatever. It’s honestly bing maps causing the problems if you ask me. I’d also want to point out that in the world map menu, it wouldn’t crash or freeze when bing maps were disabled. The problem here is that the game is too beautiful in online mode sto be played offline. So what can we actually do about this issue? I just hope this post will be noticed and that there will be actions to resolve this huge issue on xbox series x.


Imagine a disastrous Maverick launch huh. They really can’t afford it can they. I’m surprised there wasn’t any disappointment voiced among the Reno teams for making em look bad, unless…things said behind closed doors.

There’s no excuse for not having Maverick stuff working amazingly in my eyes. I wouldn’t want to mess with a big movie studio and make a joke out of their stuff, these people are connected and can make or break reputations in a heartbeat. There’s a fair bit on the line here really.

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