Sharing a controller profile with someone else

Can someone check and see if the WGS folder for the Microsoft store version is naturally protected with out changing permissions in Windows? I can access it, but I have changed permissions in the past and do not remember if I changed this folder or not. Thanks:)

What is WGS?

Do you mean …\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator…\SystemAppData\wgs? In that case it’s not locked for me either, and I’ve never touched it.
I can both read and write.

Yes… Thanks a bunch:) I’ve been wondering how to share a controller profile with others, and that is where they are located. I’ve tested this and this seems to work…

  • in the WGS folder there is a folder named with a bunch of numbers
  • inside that folder there are folders also named with a bunch of numbers.
    Inside each of those folders are 2 files and the one with a long number is a controller file.
  • To find a particular profile, you have to search through the folders and open each one with a text editor till you find the one you are looking for. I use notepad++
  • You will see that names of the profiles at the top beside FriendlyName PlatformAvailability
    Now… if you want to share a profile, it can be done by these steps. Say if someone sent you a controller file.
    1- Open and view the sent file to see which controller category it falls in. For example if it is a keyboard profile, you will see DeviceName=“Keyboard” near the top. You will see the name of the profile beside PlatformAvailability.
    2- Create a new profile in the sim with the same name in the same controller category. Shut down the sim(Important!) Look inside your WGS folder and find your newly created profile file. If you sort by date, it will be near the top so it’s easy to find.
    3- Copy the name(bunch of numbers) of YOUR newly created profile file and paste the name to the profile file that was sent to you.
    4- Replace your newly created profile file with the one that was sent to you.
    5- Restart the sim and the profile that was sent to you should be there:)
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The WGS folder is what is stored in and synched with the cloud. Be careful when touching these files, since it can corrupt your sync state. I also don’t know whether files added there are automatically synced or not. Might be :slight_smile:

Edit: the procedure as described above should work.

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I understand the concern and am aware about the profiles being stored on the cloud. I followed this procedure and my added profiles appeared correctly on another MSFS installation on another computer… so I’m assuming it saves to the cloud correctly after the edit. If there are problems with this, I will take the post down. It’s ashamed that it has to be this difficult to share a profile when many games and apps are so easy:(


I would add that it’s a shame that we cannot manage the cloud data at all.
This is really messing Xbox users up when Bush Trip progress breaks for them and as there is no way to access any of that progress data either on the Xbox or in the cloud that basically renders an entire Bush Trip unusable for them once it’s glitched.

Naturally some stuff could be read only if it’s related to a published achievement. But perhaps you could flag it for reset (in the case of Bush trips?)
But things like settings and controllers. We should have access to. These are user preferences and if they glitch and keep auto loading old/bad data from cloud it’s an absolute pain.

That’s why backing up the WGS folder is a great idea for PC users.

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