Ships and boats in MSFS2024...none!

I am yet to see one boat in MSFS2024. If you have caught a glimpse of something floating in the waters pls let me know.


Finally someone else shares this! Ive been flying over every ocean forever and never seen anything. Tried going to like LA or New York to see if anything near the docks and nothing…


Sea traffic on ultra?

I’ve spotted some, but the issue is also that boats and many other objects have like 5 meters draw distance :frowning:


This! They are there, if you turn nameplates on (alt-2 on my keyboard) they’re definitely there. But often you only actually see ships until you’re right on top of them.

Another thing to fix on their no doubt long looong list! :sweat_smile:

Yes indeed ! :wink:

There were loads in st Juliana in the Caribbean, the problem was as I approached them and flew over them, they were not moving and their wakes were ‘baked’ in. So poor! I’d rather they weren’t there, and when a 3rd party dev develops them, at least they can be added properly afterwards. Now if a dev adds them, they gotta go in and remove the asobo ones AND the stupid baked in wakes

Same as airport objects pop in, and that was the same in 2020 too, so I expect that it will just remain like that forever.

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Then why advertise it ?..“We have all the boats routes in the World”

If you start on EDHI 05 and follow the river to the east, you should immediately see far more ships than IRL

I saw a few, including a cargo ship entering the Panama Canal. Here is a couple in the Bahamas:

Below the tail boom in the distance:

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So I presume the draw distance is the cause? I could not find any while going in Free Camera mode over the Mediterranean sea. I am on Ultra settings for Sea Traffic

I saw Cargo ships even in Paris :laughing: they were generic though

I see quite a lot of boats and ships (many identical to one another). I have only ever seen one move - which was near London City and was spinning on the spot.

Other than that they have all been stationary. They look great though and hopefully at some point they’ll be moving around leaving wakes.

I’m on XboxX.

Yet another feature of this new sim not delivering.

When are MS and Asobo going to make good on this failure of a flight sim?


Boats floating and incorrectly lined-up in Paris ! A real joke and shows how little attention has been put into quality control before the release of this product!


ehhh i want to see multiplayer flyer names sometimes, but why do i see boat and ship names?

and ehhhh clam shak :sweat_smile:

Quiet on the Panama Canal today. Just some photogrammetry boats which have evidently sunk - that’s it. Everything cranked up to the max and nada. Poor.

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