Should we be able to vote against wishlist items?

Its reasonably democratic by the standards of the wider games industry. I’ve never been aware of another title where what the development team work on is dictated directly by a voting system given out to the user base.

Maybe its not always perfectly executed but its something I’ve always applauded Asobo and MS for doing right from day one.

There is a simple way around this - if you strongly disagree with a popular wishlist post saying “Please devs, will you implement flurgles” just add another wish list item saying “Please devs, do NOT implement flurgles” and let people vote in that…

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It’s exactly like democracy;
You start out with something you dislike. Then you have options of things that are also awful, but maybe you’ll dislike differently. You get to pick. Or not. Most people don’t participate anyhow - also like democracy.

Show me where on a ballot I get to vote against a candidate… You can either vote for someone, or not.

Anyhow, it creates the illusion of choice, just like democracy. You can chose any of 1000 kinds of breakfast cereal, but when it comes to important things, you just get to choose between two things that are differently awful.

No, in a democracy you have a choice between different options, not one option or not that option.

Are you saying there is only one wish list item and you can’t choose another one?

Of course not. On any given topic you can vote yes to something only. You can’t vote yes or no. In a democracy there is not only one candidate or not that candidate.

This isn’t rocket science…

You’re taking this all way too seriously. I figured the remark about choice of breakfast cereals would clue you in that this was tongue-in-cheek.

Have fun with your crusade. :wink:


Where is this voting? Am I registered to vote?

In the wishlists posts…

Whilst we do not currently have a system implemented to vote against Wishlist items on the forums, we do ensure to keep up to date with discussions held by the community within a Wishlist item and not just the vote count! Comments, opinions and sentiment are a vital factor when we look at a Wishlist item, whether these comments agree with the original post or not.