Sidewinder Precision 2 Joystick

I have an old Microsoft Sidewinder Precision 2 joystick that I love. It works great with X-Plane 11 in Windows 10. I had to configure it manually for FS2020. All buttons work perfectly. The throttle works perfectly in the Validate setting in the joystick configuration (moves the visible slider bar when activating the throttle control, but the throttle has NO EFFECT on the actual throttle in any airplane. I have no throttle control at all. Any ideas?

Thanks in advance for any suggestions.


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Lee - What actual MSFS command did you map the Throttle slider to? It should be “Throttle Axis” in the Power Management section. Occasionally it takes a restart to get some control changes recognized. Good luck - Rick

Hey I have the same joystick but I can’t bind any controls to it, it shows up in the options menu but only shows a blank set up screen and a image of a joystick with a question mark on it. Any help?

i have a microsoft sidewinder force feedback2 and it’s say default on the game and i can’t use it

Rick, thanks for the direction. I had the binding filter set to “Assigned” and wasn’t seeing the “Throttle Axis” entry. I had it bound to “Increase Throttle”. All working great now.

Look for the topic “Ms Sidewinder Force Feedback 2”. I was about to type up instructions for you but Scarsdale Tim provided some.
For interest, here are the mappings I’m using (I haven’t yet assigned hat or two other triggers)
Ailerons Axis: Joystick L-Axis X
Elevator Axis: Joystick L-Asix Y
Rudder Axis: Joystick R-Axis Z
Decrease Flaps: 5
Increase Flaps: 8
Elevator Trim Down: 3
Elevator Trim Up: 4
Toggle Landing Gear: 7
Throttle 1 Axis: Joystick Slider X

Good luck!


Thanks a lot I finally figured out how to get it to run!!
Happy Flying :slight_smile:


Hey, SmartTadpole89.
Thanks for the mapping info, I have the same stick and couldn’t get it to work.
Actually came here looking for a fix. I’ll be sure to give this a go.
Thank you!

You are welcome. I’ve set the axis and rudder sensitivity to -50 and it feels much better.

I’ve got a Sidewinder Precision 2 as well, thanks for the setup info


Did you try unplugging and reinstalling the usb connector?
Is it working in other apps?

I have just managed to get the Axis assignments & a few buttons done, but I don’t know how to get the hat buttons etc to scroll through my views. it was all so simple when the Joystick was recognized straight away & assignments were already in use (if you know what I mean?). Any advice would be appreciated . Cheers Rod


I like the quickview for my hat buttons so here is how I’ve set mine up. Be sure to set the filter to All so you can see the bindings:
Cockpit Camera:
Cockpit Quickview Right - POV ->
Cockpit Quickview Left - POV <-
Cockpit Quickview 45 Left - POV (left down)
Cockpit Quickview 120 Left - POV (left up)
Cockpit Quickview 45 Right - POV (right up)
Cockpit Quickview 120 Right - POV (right down)

External Camera:
External Quickview Left - POV ->
External Quickview Rear - POV (down)
External Quickview Right - POV <-
External Quickview Top - POV (up)
External Quickview 45 Left - POV (left down)
External Quickview 120 Left - POV (down right)
External Quickview 45 Right - POV (up left)
External Quickview 120 Right - POV (up right)

Note - the description in parenthesis is how the POV arrow is pointing

I hope this helps. Happy flying!



Many thanks. Have sent e-mail

Sent e-mail?

Yes, I got your message on this forum plus a copy in my e-mail box. Basically, my message said thanks for the swift reply & that I will be following your guide soon. Cheers Rod

followed this to the letter now working perfectly. The only thing i would say to anyone that this does not work for, reset and remove any previous settings before you start this. Many thanks

i;m having trouble with my tail wing on any plane i fly,it doesn’t spring back left or right .i have a mircosoft sidewinder force feedback 2 .it just stop working i turn the tail to the right or left it stays i have to turn it back to the middle manual,any help would be greatful

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I got everything else to work. however the control services will go back to level flight, it always wants to stay in the nose up or down attitude, unless I make quick adjustments. Is the a driver I need for the non-force feedback to work?

I have a Sidewinder Precision 2 Joystick that I want to start using again. However when I plug into any USB port, Windows 10 reports that it doesn’t recognize the device, and XPlane doesn’t see it either.
Can anyone suggest where and how to get the driver for it – or send it to me?

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