Sim crashes when zooming in at the worldmap

Hmm yeah the terrain tiles have always been the suspect in my mind. I posted a few days ago there are 4 places in the sim where terrain tiles are loaded:

  1. At the sim loading screen (presumably the tiles that form the zoomed-out global world view)
  2. When in the world map page (in fact these are exactly the same terrain tiles from the same source server that are loaded when actually flying)
  3. When loading into a flight (at 80% :slight_smile: )
  4. When flying!

I was experiencing crashes for pretty much the first time ever at all 4 places but mainly (around 90% of the time) when loading the flight 3). This is what gave me the thought that it was server related and after getting speed info from fellow sufferers on this thread went onto think it was high speed connections (yet to be proven of course!).

It really is a pity the workaround is no-go for you :frowning:

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Well, my last idea was to ā€œwanderā€ around the departure airport on the world map before starting the flight on maximal zoom because Iā€™ve seen once that when I did it I could load in a scenery I failed every time before. Of course it needs first to make world map usable as itā€™s more or less now for me. Though I could not test this theory properly yet. Maybe it creates a small cache (Iā€™m not using rolling cache) just existing for that flight session only and helps loading the flight in, the most crucial part. Being in the plane and not abruptly changing views might give enough time for the network traffic and has lower bandwidth requirement to avoid CTDā€¦

This could just be coincidence: I can only recall having one CTD experience this year. I returned home from a 10 day trip out of state on the 19th of October. My PC wanted a restart for a Windows Update. Two updates were performed:

2023-10 Cumulative Update for Windows 10 Version 22H2 for x64-based Systems (KB5031356)

2023-10 Cumulative Update for .NET Framework 3.5, 4.8 and 4.8.1 for Windows 10 Version 22H2 for x64 (KB5031224)

Iā€™ve only been able to actually complete one flight while CTDs occur during map zooms & FLYs constantly since the Windows Updates. I actually saw a little white C++ Library error message flash by once during a crash as well.

Iā€™m running NVidia 3080 Version 536.99 on a 1 gig line.

  1. If you use the In-Game Store and search for Airports using the default MAP feature.

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Yes, thatā€™s also a possible cause as my CTDs got a lot worse since this windows update but in this case itā€™s even more interesting while a bandwidth reduction for some people or decreasing GPU frequencies affects itā€¦

Same here, guys.
I had no problems until 1-2 weeks ago, then suddenly I got a CTD while zooming the map.
Since then I get a CTD every 5-20 minutes while flying. Interestingly, this usually happens - but not exclusively - when Iā€™m looking around in external view.

I have not changed anything in my computer configuration, game settings or Nvidia Control Panel.

I reinstalled the game twice, tried different Nvidia drivers, no addons in the Community folder, tested the GPU, CPU and memory. No change.
I just found this topic, I havenā€™t tried turning off Bing Data yet, because in these minutes Iā€™m installing the game for the third time, probably unnecessarily.

My rig:
850W PSU

I have been having issues with CTDs a lot not until last night, I checked my program and features and I noticed that I had multiple C++ different ones from C++ 2012 and some C++ 2015 about 8-10 in total. so I uninstalled all of them and downloaded a new one. after that I did a restart. I was able to complete a 45mins flight with no CTD I will keep watching this and update after multiple different flights.

These Visual C++ libraries are not used by MSFS so not likely to be the cause of your recent CTDs. Iā€™ve given a suggestion in a previous reply to you which has worked for 3 people did you not try that?

Iā€™ve posted a workaround (see above posts) which has helped others. Takes 30 seconds to tryā€¦

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I also had this happen yesterday in the Marketplace when searching for airports on sale.

Beyond that, like many others, Iā€™ve been crashing from moving around the World Map in flight planning, and when starting a flight (the ā€œ80%ā€ area).

Following some advice here, I now pop into the World Map and immediately change the filter to ā€œIFRā€. Since doing that, Iā€™ve completed 2-3 flights with no crashes, including 800+ nm flight.

Yep. But save yourself the trouble (if you are on PC) and use JayDeeā€™s great mod for now. Fire and Forget! Sim crashes when zooming in at the worldmap - #94 by Baracus250

I am convinced that it is a Windows 10 update issue. I did the same Windows update on 19th October and have had CTDā€™s ever since. Before this update I had not experienced a CTD for well over 12 months. I reported the issue and was advised to deinstall and reinstall the update again, which I did. I have seen an improvement since then but I am still getting CTDā€™s to a lesser extent.

I have the problem and Iā€™m on Windows 11. But if you want to test the theory you could roll back those updates.

I just ran two tests, one with my NIC set to auto, and the other with my NIC set to 1 mb full duplex. The gig speed test failed with a CTD in the World display, the 1 mb speed test is SUCCESSFULLY running now.

Was it the Windows Updates ā€¦ or changes in the servers ā€¦ or both?

1mbps? Do you mean 100mbps? - thatā€™s what Iā€™ve been recommending. Surely 1mbps would impact your downloading experienceā€¦

If you follow this (long) thread from the start youā€™ll see why I think this is server only :slight_smile:

A post was split to a new topic: CTDs right before touchdown

Also tried VPN, thanks to your suggestion! No issues, despite switching multiple times. I donā€™t want to join the Beta as itā€™s hard to get out off without reinstall, so this might be a good interim solution until SU14 for me. Hope it holds. Either way, thank you!

Iā€™d be really interested in any evidence as to whether the VPN ā€˜fixā€™ is down to different server location or lower bandwidth (ie the ā€˜fast internetā€™ cause suggested by @AboezD) or both. In my case on VPN my download is fast but my upload is dramatically slashed. Is there some kind of threshold speed above which this happens, I wonder?

Last night I tried the option of downgrading the NIC in my sim PC to 100xT half-duplex and running without the VPN, and it worked flawlessly, which really suggests that itā€™s connection speed that is the ultimate cause. Thatā€™s so, so weird.

Hello yā€™all,

I didnā€™t read the full thread but just wanted to share something I found out yesterday, when switching between different windows and zooming on the map too, I do get freezes every now and then, no CTD! But it simply freezes.

Before the only option was to open steam and click stop to close te sim and restart it again, until yesterday,
Now when I press CTRL ALT delete and click on task manager the sim unfreezes! Without doing anything else.

I donā€™t know for who this might work too but I thought letā€™s share it with the community.

Hope this helps some others.


What a complete pain in the ā– ā– ā–  this CTD issue is! Thought it was my doing playing around with VR adjustments, anyway just finished a wipe of PC, fresh windows install and reload of FS, just a few world updates at a time, leaving out all other updates. Everything ok up to WU10, tried hard to crash it on world map but all good. Flew around for an hour no CTD, installed last 4 WUā€™s together, probably should have checked individually but quick check on worldmap and no CTD(it was only brief check) loaded city updates next and low and behold back to CTDā€™s. Wish I saw this post earlier, wouldnā€™t have bothered with all the hassle. Will just wait and pray next update fixes.
Running a top spec machine with 4090 and 500mb connection.