Sim does not launch (

Please note there is an outgoing Service Outage.

I have the same problem TigerJaguar, I purchased the box version and it say’s I have the deluxe bundle but I can’t even get to the screen, it starts and then just crashes to desktop with out even getting pass the open screen. I’m blooming annoyed. Have you found a cure yet, living in hope Hippy

Well, the problem is solved in the way that I reinstalled Windows. Thereafter I could reinstall the Flight Simulator.

Please note that due to capacity issues I mirrored the C drive to the drive where the Flight Simulator was initially installed. Then I tried to install the Flight Simulator on the ex C-Drive. The system got confused. I reinstalled Windows completely new and then the Flight Simulator. Now its ok.

Same issue as everyone else

Same issue.

Worked for me for the first 2-3 days… after that no chance to get it running. i don´t come to the start screen anymore…it already crashes back to desktop at the “black secreen” with "white lines around it.

Reinstalling the App, Admin right, deleting all files, nothing helps. I tried everything i can do. World of Warcraft is running for 6 hours without any problem…

amd ryzen 9 5900x
32 gig 3600 ram
amd raedon 6700xt.

premium deluxe version of flight simulator.

My original issue of the sim launching but not completing loading and getting stuck on the “New Activities” screen during loading still persists after a full month, and as I haven’t heard back from anyone at Zendesk for over a week now, I called Microsoft support earlier this morning - after 90 minutes screen sharing with first line support they couldn’t resolve it and are now escalating. Hopefully I’ll have something positive to report later today.


I am sorry for you, i have a similar problem since mid june sim does not come past first scenery screen and CTD’s even after clean install of pc en win 10, even tried on another desktop same problem. Now more and more reports appear about the sim not working/starting properly i really hope that microsoft/asobo come to realize the problem is on their side and come with a fix. I will follow your post in the hope a solution will be presented.

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Thanks. Still no solution from the Microsoft Windows 10 and Xbox support teams, but the Xbox folks are still troubleshooting. (Win10 team says the OS can absolutely be ruled out as the cause.) In the meantime, I just heard back from the Zendesk team and it sounds like they have now escalated this internally in part due to the fact that I’ve replicated the problem on three machines, and they are actively working on researching the cause. Fingers crossed.


I can’t even get past the loading of the screen, launch, goes to black screen whirling little circle then bang down it goes. Can’t even install from the discs. Total mess, I’ve spent a lot of money on this, add ons etc. Despair. Will follow to see if you guys find a fix.

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Yes same here, I bought the deluxe boxed version in August 2020, so is that classed as a microsoft store version ?? as it shows I own them ( pre-order ) I’m going to try and reinstall with the discs.

Hello, just checking… I am in the Netherlands and since this morning the sim does not load for me. It is
stuck in the loading screen with the famous turning circle in the right corner. Anyone having the same issue?

Did you reinstall and change disks?

Hi, MSFS did not start, so I cleared the community folder and tried to restart the game. (Did not start= the problem described above).

Found the problem. Solved via

Closed all Non-Microsoft Apps in the task manager, rebooted… everything fine now.

A Microsoft cumulative update was just released that has gaming fixes including log in. You can get it thru the normal Windows update channel. (KB5004296)

Thanks for the tip. I installed that, along with, and I can finally get the sim to complete loading, but now the data functionality is disabled.

Specifically, with I can finally get to the menus, but immediately get the “Your packages are out of date…” error, which logging out and going back to the sign in screen only results in a different error, “You are missing packages that are essential to run…” and no additional update check is performed. This either requires the app to be reinstalled, or by manually deleting one of the official packages folders from the program folder, the check for updates process will detect that missing folder at app launch, download and install the missing package, and then let you back into the menus, but the data connection is again disabled in General Options/Data, and when Data is turned on again and applied, the “packages out of date” error reappears and disables the data connection.

Sounds like progress. I take it you’ve installed the new Service Update 5 and been to the Microsoft Store downloads & updates and run the Get Updates option. The Contents Manager in the sim needs a look too.

Yes, all of the above have been checked and updated, with the exception of the Content Manager. Because the app disables the Online Functionality in Options → General Options → Data each time I answer “No” to the “Your Packages are out of date, you will be returned to the sign-in screen,” the entire Marketplace, including the Content Manager, are shaded grey and unavailable. As soon as I re-enable Online Functionality and return to the main sim menu, I get the packages out of date message before I can interact with the Marketplace and it becomes unavailable again. (If I answer Yes to this message, it signs me out and will not re-launch after I sign back in because it reports critical packages are missing and forces the sim to quit.)

That looks like another thread running hot in the same Bugs section your thread is running. The Steam version of the sim has a Verify Installation function that the store version does not. You haven’t mentioned which headset you’re using. The Oculus app has some data related settings.

I’ve been watching the stories of what appear as short or bad installations for some and one recent post looked encouraging. Try starting the sim from the Microsoft Store Library.

I turn on my PC, click the correct spot on the screen to start the sim. Most times the screen goes black, then returns to desktop. Other times, the sim loads, and I fly with no problems at all. It is a lottery, and no- one seems to have the winning ticket. Any suggestions?