Sim is suddenly performing superbly

Yes I had my first CTD yesterday when it was looking better in game in real time…

Never had a blank CTD five-10 minute flying, it was on my way to KSAN from KCPQ

It looked normal though for lod…

I had ultra on. Wind was working most of the test flights yesterday too.

Asobo must hate the complainers, but if it’s making a difference that is what every customer needs so the simulator lives up to its expectations!

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sorry to ask a stupid question but what is CTD?

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Crash to Desktop = CTD - where an application will terminate and the pc will return to the desk top as though nothing has happened and the program wasnt running.

Not that stupid a question, Ive heard worse.

I’ve had to learn all the acronyms gamers use too. :grin:

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I’m sure I saw improvement last night with fps, objects rendering further in distance, etc. and i set a few more things to ultra and lod to 200. Didn’t change anything else. Haven’t played today yet.

No go for me. Still looks bad. I’m using us west so hopefully they were testing out only certain servers for now. Maybe they’re trying to time it for Japan update. At least that’s what I hope for

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In developer mode you can check out yourself that the GPU and CPU are much less overloaded than before.
For me, all stutters are gone, even in G1000 cockpits and overall, the scenery looks way better…
So, I don’t know what they have done, but it surely looks as if they’ve changed something…

I didn’t see any change.

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Just curious, if there is not any update, how can You find any change?

We think they did change something on their servers, so it”s optimized at their side, not by a local update…

And not everybody experiences the same optimizations yet because there are many different servers to connect to…

Really enjoying the sim the past week, NO CTD’s at all for 4 days now . and with Flybywires constant updates to the A320 it’s all starting to come together.


I have noticed that many of you who have experienced CTDs have raised your graphics settings from the defaults. Remember - many times CTDs are caused by overheating and raising your graphics settings may have caused your system to need more cooling. Just a thought.


Yes I have just tried, still melted Lego looking. Terrible really even with LOD at 200.

When you wake up everything will be the same as it was! :grin:

You’re absolutely right…
When the sim starts for the first time it optimizes the software for your hardware…

Also the possibility of pushing your PSU over it’s rated output if you are close to the limits.
That will cause a crash too.


New observation because someone mentioned it: could it be, althogh strange, that the tree draw distance is related to the setting “depth of field”? I could swear since I put this back to ultra, trees are drawn more distant. Could someone verify this?

No difference whatsoever, chose a random location somewhere around these coordinates ( 42°55’35.3"S 147°09’00.3"E) , 1st pic DOF to ULTRA and 2nd DOF to OFF



Just so you know DOF only works in drone mode