Sim loading issues and data connection options greyed out this morning (UK time) - both beta and non-beta users

Same here, Italy

Hi, Where can I find this status?

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If only there was some way of confirming whether this is a local or global issue.

Yep - Poland.

Again Server Issues (Germany). All Options grayed out… It seems MSFS becomes more and more unstable as issues occur frequently (I had a similar problem last weekend).

No sunday flights, it’s time to load XP12

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Same in Sweden.

Same problem in Belgium.

Same here in UK - unable to connect to live servers for WXR…etc. Says offline mode for me. Good thing I still have good old P3D installed!

Likewise for me in the UK. Xbox.

Same here in Scotland

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same in the US. I can’t even load the game as I have an update and it claims to lose connection after 10-20% downloads. why is this game the most problematic game I own? FSX came out over a decade ago and never had ANY problems like this game has on the daily.


From all the replies to this “TOPIC” I think it´s safe to say that it´s a GLOBAL issue…!

This is the same in the live version, too. ATC is fine and scenery loads, but there’s no Marketplace and no live weather.

Edit: Live Weather is now selectable at this very minute.

looks like things are coming back online. (Netherlands here)


Same here in Austria. :slightly_frowning_face:

Same here in UK…

Same in Asian

Yes. It shows “online” again!