Sim Update 5

Is there a Sim Update today or just the Q & A?

[BLOG] June 24th, 2021 Development Update - Community / News and Announcements - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums

Don’t you love that? :slight_smile:

I wish they’d differntiate between updating us on the state of development as opposed to delivering a software update for the sim.

Perhaps a French to English translation issue, that they can’t think of a way of calling them different things?

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Sim Update 5 is set to 07.27.2021


It’s clear enough if you watch the Q&A twitch streams which I highly recommend, another one is out today, sorry if you don’t understand english enough to view the stream, that really would suck.

Maybe you can look here how to live translate the stream from english to french.

The problem is a lot of people don’t read, listen to Q@A or understand technical word.
It’s been a year the web system works like this, on the timeline, all are the dates and what is upcoming.


Sim Update 5 has been scheduled for late July since SU4 released. It received a hard date after WU5. Please refer to the Product Development Roadmap.


Are you all really going to try to tell me that it is clear that “SDK & Third Party Update” is clearly an update about the state of the Sim and not a software update? Really?

I don’t care if you watch the Twitch or read every bit of information out there. There is Nothing clearly showing a difference here. The wording needs to change. There needs to be a clear boundary between which of these are Software updates and which are communications from the team. There are new people coming into this forum every single day, and there is nothing clear about the wording of this document. I realize space is limited, but there are people who’s only job is wording documents so it can be clearly understood by everyone. This is not that.

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And in between how many third party SDK updates?

Quite a few … interest seems quite focused on revenue bearing updates and the base sim taking a bit of a back seat. <deleted/incorrect non-current info>

Realizing this is a totally off topic discussion, I believe Microsoft cut their take on Microsoft Store sales to 12%. Let’s end this here.


SDK updates are now included in WUs and SUs. If I remenber well, they said the want “less updates, but with more content”. Refer to SDK Q&A.

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The point I’m trying to make is… How is a first time reader supposed to be able to tell the difference between
“SDK and Third Party Update” and “Sim Update V”?

How are they supposed to know that “SDK and Third Party Update” is a communication and not a software update, or that “Sim Update V” is a software update and not a communication?

Given the way that the entries are worded, there’s no way a user can tell the difference. Even when I know the difference, it’s still hard for me to separate them.

Perhaps it would be best to split the list in two, one for communication, and one for software updates?

There’s lots of ways to fix this.

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Because their name are different !

SDK & Third Party Update = Update of the Software Development Kit and Third Partys
Sim Update = Update of the Simulator !

Idk where it’s not clear…, even for a french guy like me


Why is Software Development Kit Update not a software update?

Or did you not realize that SDK and Third Party Update isn’t a software update? Or is it? I assumed “SDK and Third party Update” was these communications that are posted above, where they say what Third Party products have been released and post the status of development. So, not a software update. They only ever update the SDK at releases (I check all the time, the SDK doesn’t change on these dates, only typically when new software updates are released, certainly not on the cadence listed above.).

I assume you’re a software developer? Why would you assume it’s common knowledge that SDK means Software Development Kit? What is a Software Development Kit?

(Yes, I know what it is, but I’m going to assume that the majority of simmers do not know, nor do they even understand what it means when people say “The SDK isn’t finished yet” and all sorts of misunderstandings ensue.)

That’s why I said maybe it’s a language/interpretting thing. For English speaking people, it is not at all clear that “SDK and Third Party Update” means it’s a communication and not an update for the software. It could be either.

Come on folks, it was a simple question. I was unsure of what was happening today. I was going by other days there was a Q & A that it followed an update of some kind. That’s it. No need of all this extra stuff. :slightly_smiling_face:


Sorry, it bothers me that people have to ask given there is a schedule out there. :slight_smile:

I’m a stickler for UI and succinct communication (though I can be guilty of not following through on the latter). :slight_smile:

Is this on Youtube yet? I want to play it on the big screen in my living room!

Not yet but you can replay the video from twitch
Sim Update 5 / Performance - Twitch
Youtube Channel

Yeah but not on my teevee.

yes, we are trying to say it’s not difficult to know when SU5 is coming. It’s been discussed multiple times! :slight_smile: (this is a bit tongue in cheek)

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