Sim Update 7: CPU threading performance degredation/Limited by MainThread w/o photogrammetry, and especially w/photogrammetry

:green_circle: Required

Have you used Developer Mode? Yes

PC Specs: Ryzen 5800x, 2x16GB DDR4 3200C14 @ 3733C15, reference Radeon RX 6900 XT on 21.12.1 (also 21.11.3), LG CX 48" OLED @ 4k120.

Aircraft: All

Area of the World / Flight Plan: United States

Airport (If applicable): KDFW, KABQ.

3rd party addons you were using at the time (Mods/add-ons/community content): Both:

  • None
  • And several (we love VFR, hiddenui’s tinyplates, A320nx, Navigraph map data)

Peripherals: Microsoft Sidewinder Precision Pro USB

Feedback/Bug Description: The threading improvements brought on in Sim Updates 5 and 6, have
made a minor regression in Sim Update 7, especially in regards to photogrammetry.

Regardless of whether photogrammetry is enabled or not, the sim with the current update is almost
always Limited by MainThread, where before it was almost always limited by GPU (as it should be at
4k120). The performance is reproducable using a combination of high and ultra settings, both when
running the game completely bone-stock, and modded.
My setup should (and did during SU5 and SU6) almost always result in a GPU-limited experience.

The effect is most-easily reproduceable at Gate 18 of KABQ, time 1430L, weather set to clear.
I average 55-65 fps with photogrammetry off, and 35-45 fps with photogrammetry on, MainThread Limited.

I get that working on the threading within the limitations of DirectX 11 must be tough (I am a
computer technician and hobbyist, but not a particularly skilled programmer, myself), and I thank
all of the Asobo developers for the work that they have done to get the sim where it is now.

The goal of this thread is not so much a complaint, but rather as an observation of the performance
regression from earlier Sim Updates, as well as an observation of the major performance delta
between photogrammetry on and off that was not present in the sim from SU5 through the end of SU6.

(colors are blown out due to HDR; issue occurs with HDR on and off)
Photogrammetry is on in this screencapture.

:yellow_circle: Optional

[ ] Multiplayer session or [X] solo flight

Multiplayer settings: [X] Live Players [ ] All Players [ ] Group Only

Weather settings: Live (clear skies in both tested areas)

Server: [ ] East USA [ ] North Europe [X ] West USA [ ] West Europe [ ] SE Asia

*(PC) Are you using DX12?: No

That is hugely disappointing. If we could achieve X performance prior to SU7, why can’t we now! I stand with you and hope MSFS/Asobo will sort out this major inconvenience ASAP.

We are not necessarily asking for some massive improvement; we just want performance to be as before SU7.

And yes I understand that performance (FPS) may vary slightly with updates but this is not a slight variance, it is a measurable increase in Main thread load and performance degradation


right because there wasnt a minor loss of performance. Theres definitely been a major loss and it makes you not even want to play the sim.

This recent update knocked me down from around 45-55FPS to about 1-2FPS (maybe even less). It’s totally unplayable. The sim actually runs fine when I’m on the runway or taxi, but as soon as I take off and raise my gear, instant performance hit…

My GPU usage is only at 14%, and my CPU usage is only at 30%. Something is really jacked up.

I have a Ryzen 5 5600x (water cooled), Tuf Gaming B550 Plus, 64gb RAM, RTX 2070 Super 8gb, and the game is installed on an m2. The only thing that has changed, is the recent update to FS.

On my dad’s PC, it CTD’s as soon as he takes off. Something is definitely a miss here. I really hope this all gets corrected soon. I don’t like having all my hardware just sitting there collecting dust, as I’m sure is the case for many others as well.


I’m pretty sure this would show worse frames if it could - but looks like the worst it can report is 2fps and 500ms delay…


I tried running FS with DX12 to see if there was any improvement… There was, but still nothing worth bragging about. in flight, my FPS varies from 10-20FPS now.

Menu FPS

Runway / Taxi FPS

In Flight FPS

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I appreciate the posts, but if you’re going to post data points, please post data points from DX11. DX12 is only a beta preview, and should not be used when judging performance right now.

The first post with picture was DX11 (the one with 2FPS). I can post pictures of the menu and runways if needed - but really, it’s the same story. DX12 just did a little better once in flight.

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Here’s the DirectX 11 run:

Menu FPS:

Start-up, on Taxi:

Runway FPS:

Off The Ground FPS (notice the elevation - I had literally been off the ground for about 5 seconds before the frames took a dive):

When I go back to the menu (pressing ESC), I get my frames back. Go back into the sim, right back down to a reported 2FPS (I think it’s more realistically around .5-1.5FPS).


Ah, I got you. Thanks for the extra screencaps :heart:

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Can’t see this as an Asobo issue or even a graphics one. Update or unistall mods and view known issues for any maketplace ones, delete with content manager if necessary…

That is unfortunate that you don’t fully understand the issue being reported in this thread. It is a complicated one, and one that hasn’t been singled out in other threads yet.

The issue in question here occurs with the community folder completely emptied out, and with the rolling cache both disabled, and enabled in a different location after the old cache is deleted.

Interesting. After playing with settings some more, the threading issues appear related to, but not solved by changing, the Off Screen Terrain Pre-Caching. It feels like something with the terrain pre-caching is choking up the MainThread, as I was still MainThread limited w/photogrammetry on, regardless of pre-caching setting, but lowering it did improve framerates somewhat. Just an observation for now.

The lower it is the more culling it allows.

And to continue from before. Deleting community does not clear 3rd party files that sit in the official folders and not just marketplace purchases either, some installers will do it and some mods request that you place e.g. a json file in them… It’s not difficult to see how a complete new install is curing many people’s problems.

Indeed, I am well aware of how it works. My comment was more for the devs, not for other users, should this thread receive enough upvotes to be noticed.

I mean no offense, but I am a computer technician by day, and pc gaming enthusiast by night, with over two decades since my first PC build.

Doing due diligence is what I do. I made this thread because it is a very specific issue that the other SU7 performance-related threads haven’t adequately touched on nor singled out yet. I don’t want this facet of SU7 to get lost in the noise.

No troubleshooting help nor technical explanations are required in this thread, just reports from others that have noticed the same issue. :+1:

Whippersnapper! … My first PC was a Commodore Pet 8k. And please disseminate my last post and either tell me why I am wrong or why you seemed ignorant to it.


All good, I don’t intend to invoke XKCD #386. I’ve made my points. Your post isn’t wrong, just not relevant to this thread, though it is relevant to the other performance threads.


I said it since first day release update7

Vote guys here

Same issue here,
RTX 3070
16GB 3600Mhz

Struggling to get over 40fps… its getting ridiculous.

I’d agree something definitely isn’t right.

Liquid cooled 5900x
32gb 3200mhZ
Nvme SSD

No matter what graphics settings, no matter what resolution the game is constantly limited by main thread. One of two things is happening;

  • The servers are slow (again) which I think is causing the vast majority of these problems, or
  • something has happened with SU7 that has caused issues CPU usage