Sim Update 7 Live Weather regression - a broken mess


I’ve linked in all the other relevant threads into the first post I made in this thread also.

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It’s not only the clouds altitude issue.
Yesterday i was practicing landings and suddenly AI 737 flew right in front of me like at 300 ft AGL at full speed just above runways crossing them at an angle.
As if AI engine thought this plane is at cruise altitude.

I do think they will fix this clouds at ground level bug, as I suspect it is something to do with the “dead sea” update they did. Why on earth they needed to do that who knows. I certainly didn’t see hundreds of complaints about not being able to set clouds below sea level! I do think they will fix it but I really hope it is before February.


What I would suggest, is file the bug report under the option ‘I need help with something else’ - this way it doesn’t automatically get marked solved.

Maybe it’s so many issues with weather they need to send those reports automatically to not let anything be forgotten. When i was sending reports of gusts was not working in custom weather it was forgotten it never got the state solved. Now it seems they are reported to the devs instantly instead and that is good in my opinion. Gusts in custom weather has been fixed but gusts in live-weather has not been fixed yet though. Solved state means it has been reported to the devs not that it has been fixed yet.

I wouldn’t hold my breath: incorrect weather is not a primary issue for them.

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but it has to be, after flying is the primary focus of the game…

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Maybe I shouldn’t read too much here anymore. More and more crazy bugs are appearing. When I think about the fact that I only completely re-upgraded in October and put a small fortune into it, I feel sick. :face_vomiting:


I agree with you. But they are focused on other things: weather is broken since release and the only thing they did after 18 months is worsening the issues…


I am a user of Xbox series s. We got the same on console and lost the same.

I was referring to all the graphical and sim degradations we experienced in order for the title to be released on Xbox


I was hoping they could make a change “server side” that would fix (or be a work around) for the AGL/MSL debacle.

During the last Live Dev Q&A, they mentioned that they sometimes do make changes server side. This sure would be a great time to deploy a fix using that method!

Unfortunately, right now it seems no one is at the office.


Well, here is what one of the forum moderators said in one of our other threads today:

"Hello everyone, no one is ignored. The team is aware of the situation (as stated by the official tag). As soon as we can share more information, details, or any kind of communication, we’ll do.

We understand the frustration behind this kind of bugs and the team is dedicated to solve these problems.

When a fix is server side, the sim doesn’t require any update from players and might be faster to deploy. Some fixes may require pushing code and, in that case, this may result in having to wait for an update

Any update on this will be shared once available."


This is why each day I load up and check in the hope some fix has been pushed server side, so far obviously only to find disappointment each time I test.

I would imagine something like the cloud height AGL/MSL bug would need a push fixed in the code, but that’s just me guessing.


Thank you for that! Good to know.

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I think February is a realistic target for weather to be fixed (maybe)

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I hope you’re not right. But I also have the fear. :neutral_face:

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Your are really optimistic…

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Well… clearly I was wrong. Obviously, someone is at the office.


As I said above: they simply don’t care about weather or other things simulation-related