Never had this as an issue before, and often I have to unplug & re-plug my Logitech headset USB dongle … to make it connect… Now it FREEZES my sim.
Well aren’t you a silly goose for having such high expectations!
same for me, it freezes and cant recover.
I experienced the unrecoverable freezes today. That one was on me. I had a loose USB connection and it causes some issues.
OH Dear – the USB bug will be a a Game Killer for me, .
How did that get through testing !!
It doesn’t affect Xbox. It wasn’t important.
And on another front, I just loaded into the TBM. My Honeycomb throttle no longer works with the TBM’s throttle…
They literally broke every plane I like flying
The device/controller connect bug appeared first on release, it was especially annoying if you had a Xbox controller connected via Bluetooth, when it went to sleep the SIM would crash. however it was partly fixed on the next update, where instead of crashing the some would pause for a few seconds. Now we are back to crashes.
Having the same issue. All the airport markers are now brown, and you can no longer select any instrument departures or approaches when flying IFR.
Pushback not available. At the gate - Denver airport. the pushback dolly is right there but no option to request pushback
No more able to load any flights. I choose my plane, my departing airport, click FLY and the blue bar take more than 5 minutes to reach 100% and once arrived, nothing more. Titles continues to cycle but the flight don’t load. I tried four times to date and each time I have to close the sim to restart.
Can’t load any discovery fligths, same thing ! I emptied my cache.
Bit frustrated.
André V.
Problem is not your hardware. Others are experiencing this issue. Can’t move throttle from feather to taxi or back.
Cannot change to 100ft increments in the A320neo using legacy mode, tool tips off. Mouse can’t find the Sweet spot.
Oh, I wasn’t even remotely considering the possibility it was my hardware. Seeing how badly they ■■■■■■ up all the other planes, I KNOW it was Asobo’s fault.
But hey, it doesn’t affect the Xbox cowd who spawn on the runway all started up, so it’s not a problem that needs to be dealt with before launch.
It’s the same wth the pressure errors that now prevent anyone on PC from using Vatsim. Doesn’t affect the Xbox, so it’s a low priority.
FOLKS. BEFORE you come here and post about bugs, please ensure you are fully updated. By that, I mean, your base game has been updated at launch (approx. 40 gb for me) AND you update the stuff in the content manager. That was approximately 23gb for me. It updates all the planes and I am not having any issues so far. Please check to make sure your content manager is also updated before attempting to fly. Cheers!
The same happens to me. Very dissapointed
Been loving this sim for more than 600h already, did have a single crash since it released last year and that was in the menus.
Since the update I am completely unable to even get to the main menu of the sim . CTD on the image with the cub every time. Emptied community folder before update, updated graphics card driver after numerous attempts to start the sim, even reinstalled the whole sim. Still CTD every single time I did not make it to the menu even once.
I am really lost, what else could I try???
They FBW A320 works if you use the developer version through there installer autopilot is messed up because of the new buttons though it does work though right click managed center flight select I think
Do you happen to have any external programs that run when the sim starts? I have FSUIPC7 and every time I start the sim when theres an update, it CTDs. Stopping fsuipc from running allows me to continue updating and then restart fsuipc when its done.
No i made sure to disable everything, also the update did run through 100% but crashed at 100% interestingly… I restarted and it checks for updates then goes to the loading screen and crashes with the blue bar in the middle after a few seconds.
Reinstall also did not help
I forgot to empty my community folder just to check. I’ll do that when finish installing on my second computer.