Since a few days ago, I’ve been using the A32nx form FBW, amazing work btw, and also simbrief to plan my flights. I don’t own a navigraph suscription (it is incredibly expensive), so simbrief tells me that the airac it is using is “2003” (outdated), and I can’t change this without a suscription.
At first, I though, ok, then MSFS’s default AIRAC nowadays must be 2003, even if it is already outdated. However, once in the world map inside MSFS for planning, and after loading the generated *.pln too, the route doesn’t seem to match exactly as the one from simbrief.
Not only because when I change the plane to start cold and dark it messes the whole plan, but also many times, the fixes, sid’s, star’s, etc, don’t match or directly are completely missing in MSFS.
So, now I wonder, what AIRAC version is MSFS using at the moment?, is the v2003?, otherwise, what’s the point of using simbrief if it forces you to 2003 when MSFS has a different one?. What could I do to achieve a 1:1 flight plan once I enter sid’s and star’s and departure/arrival runways in msfs?..maybe there is something better than simbrief to make ofp’s?
thanks a lot for the quick response!, so then, is only simbrief what seems to be using an outdated airac without a suscription right?. Is there any way to force the sim to use an ols airac version?, I just want to match simbrief and msfs versions.
They are matching most of the time. It is possible for short amounts of time they are mismatching because of the difference in update schedules between AIRAC publications and MSFS updates.
Yes, but this has nothing todo with Navigraph, Simbrief or the MSFS. The AIRAC cycle is valid for 28 days and the sim try also to be up2date, as real as it gets … so, when you want to be in sync with all your 3rd party addons/tools which use AIRAC datas, you should unlock the AIRAC in Simbrief, to the current effective one, yes …
Right @Pizzamonster001 … that´s the benefit to be in absolute sync between flight planning and sim. Means you can be 100% sure, that all what you´re plan in SimBrief, can 1:1 be used in the MSFS. One unique dataset from one hand - called Jeppesen
Well, actually, I fly many flight sims, and some don’t make use of charts nor flight planning so 120e/year is , in fact, quite expensive for just flight simming msfs imho.
If you don’t need the charts or the utilities, Navigraph has a very reasonable annual fee for just the data, which is awesome. I have other utilities, mostly freeware, that let me leverage that data to flight plan.
could it be just the fact that as soon as you choose a SID/STAR in the MSFS world map planer, that the whole flightplan gets regenerated and does not anymore match the one you actually planned via simbrief?
AFAIK, even if a waypoint is not in the MSFS database, when you import an external plan file from simbrief, these waypoint get generated by coordinates?
So i have the impression that you mess up your planned file in the world map planner as soon as you make any simple change in it, even chosing a gate is enough.
Well, yes and no, I mean, if I export my simbrief ofp, sometimes, it is already messed in msfs, but if it looks 1:1, as soon as I add the parking start, the sid, or the star, all messes. I can manage to “fix” it manually (sometimes, others the sid/star is missing in the drop down menu so nothing to do) but that makes very cumbersome exportation, as is is pointless if I have to manually introduce the route in msfs.
Also, as you said, yeah, many waypoints change it name for coordinates as they are not in msfs data base I guess.
I know what you mean. I stopped using the worldmap completely. Simbrief/Navigraph is all you need.
The only reason to use the worldmap planer would be for the offline ATC. But im only using VATSIM and have ATC turned off, so, no reason to even bother with the MSFS planner.
but to be clarify, this has nothing todo with SimBrief, Navigraph, or any other flightplanning tool. This is a MSFS “feature” - in that moment, when you change anything on your plan, the plan will be automatically re-calculated …
This is an official long term wish and is included in the the TOP-WISH list:
… but this “feature” will be hopefully removed with SU6