The best card is the best that you can afford.
I have an RTX 3080ti paired to an I9-11900 and run ULTRA and most of the time the GPU is around 50-60%. The CPU is the main limiting factor. I also run with three monitros with my main one being 1440.
So am I getting full use of the 3080ti, no. Not until the CPU streams are better optimized.
I think VR does use the GPU more, but for just monitors, a 2080ti is probably fine and you will save yourself a lot of money.
After I bought my card they came out with the 3090ti. Not sure what the specs are, but the 3080ti is pretty close to the 3090 just with less memory.
And thet say the 4000 series will be coming out soon and they are suppose to be twice as fast.
So if you can get a good deal on 2080ti, I would go for that for now and see what the 4000 does to the markets. The 3000 series may drop drastically in price and then you can step up the a 3000 series at a much lower cost.
I’m sure that once the CPUs are optimized, the 3080ti will really shine. But GPUa have slowly been dropping in price. You can now gt a 3080ti for about $1600 US or less, plus tax and shipping.
Someone told me that Bestbuy was selling a full system with a 3080 for about $1600.
You can also get used 3080tis on eBay for as low as about $1200. Not really sure why people sell them.
Maybe they don’t realize that they need a bigger case and PSU, plus you need a lot of colling in the room you are in. They are space heaters!!
You also need a lot of cooling power, meaning good airflow through your system. I use six fans in my system.
That thing gets really hot when the sim is running!