Simple Question.. what is the best Graphics Card for MSFS?

You are getting great advice. Your Render Scaling is killing your FPS.

Will it look worse? Of course. Higher graphics settings tend to look better than lower… but smooth gameplay beats looking at a photographic slide show.

Thank you all… sage advice. I tried 100 Render Scale, but it does look a little fuzzy to me, not as crisp.

I think I’ll look at the 3080 card, it’s in my price range. Should I try for the 3080 Founders Edition or Geforce RTX 3080 Ti 12GB ?

Ideally I want to keep my render settings high for the crispness and naybe get a smoother experience, higher fps.

3080ti is not worth the nearly 2x cost of the 3080 unless you have some very specific use cases.

You’re probably better off saving that money and using it for a single screen ultrawide monitor that has a 1440p vertical resolution instead of 1080p like you currently have. This will give you higher pixel density and would make things look sharper because of it.

Something like the Samsung CRG9 which is essentially equivalent to 2 27" 1440p monitors stitched together at the side.

Either way, the 3080 would still be solid for driving those 40" TVs at a higher resolution scaling as well.

I can get the Founders 3080 for $1220 or so and the RTX 3080Ti for $1450?

I like the idea of a widescreen monitor too. But I’m really hoping Asobo pulls it’s finger out and enables Multi Monitor support. That worked so well in X-Plane.

The bullitt has been bitten… I ordered the 3080Ti…gulp…

You will be impressed.

Dare I ask what power supply you have? You need something robust with 750W Minimum and 850W is probably sensible. Make sure you do 2 Cable runs from PSU to GPU, although you can safely daisy chain to the 3rd 8pin power socket n the GPU.

Simple answer……
The best you can afford!


I think my PS is 750W or better. At least I won’t need a heater for my office when I get that new card!

for 1080p - rtx 2070 super
for everything more - rtx 3070 or higher

Thanks for all the advice and guidance Captains…

I now have my RTX 3080Ti installed and working and…WOW.

Much better fps, beautiful fine details I never saw before, I can increase LOD without issues… and a much smoother experience.

Expensive but worth every penny!


You will see an even better benefit upgrading to a 1440p display that supports HDR. One of those Samsung’s would be great but going from 27" 1080p to a 32" 1440 HDR display was a good upgrade here on a 2060pro

Informative thread.

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Hello All,
which one will be better with Ryzen 5 5600X, 32GB RAM:

  • RTX 3070Ti
  • RX 6800 (non ‘XT’)

…and of course the most played title is MSFS.
I have limited budget, so I’m not interesting anything above these two.
Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

Both are great cards. As far as the RX6800 and the Ryzen 5 working in tandem , head over to AMD and search for " AMD SmartAccess Memory ". It improves performance but only works with AMD CPU’s paired with AMD GPU’s.

I’m glad someone bumped this topic. I finally pulled the trigger and putting my first PC build together based around a 5800x3d and the only component left to buy is gpu. I’ve been waiting for gpu prices to get “reasonable” and was debating between 3080 12gb and 6800xt or even 6900xt (which is now close in price to 3080 12gb). I was leaning towards AMD gpu to take advantage of more VRAM and SAM feature…but hesitated because of upcoming dlss support (su10?). Of course I assume eventually msfs will support fsr 2.0 as well…

Yes, I found interview on the Internet where they confirmed FSR support - hmm, so maybe it is better to take Radeon indeed :wink: (FSR, SAM, etc.)
…and I think that maybe 6800XT should be also in my range :slight_smile:

PS. Isn’t 6800XT too high for R5 5600X? Can they run together with ‘SAM’ turned on?

No, it’s not to high - you can never get high enough. If your budget allows this invest, do it :slight_smile:

xbox uses AMD gpu so msfs is going to support FSR 2.0 at some point. I ended up buying 6900xt to pair with 5800x3d because was only $100 more than 6800xt and less than rtx 3080 12gb. I don’t have plans to upgrade anytime in the next few years.
I think 5600x and 6800xt would be a great combo and you get the extra VRAM with the amd card which can be improve performance for complex scenery/airports. Good luck!

And to add: I would not put to much hope into DLSS or FSR, as at least for most users, this sim is strongly CPU limited. If you are running in a CPU limited scenario, the addition of DLSS or FSR wont provide you a single FPS more than you already have now…

Yeah, probably you’re right.
I’m also thinking about ray tracing… I know that MSFS doesn’t support it, but maybe in the future… as far as I know, RT is far better on nvidia than on AMD.
That’s why I started think also about 3080 - it’s in similiar price like 6800XT.

Well, as an 6900XT user I can say that for RT, FSR will instantly be a nice thing again. Personally, I was already happy with the basic upscaling for Metro Exodus EE, allowing me to play with reasonable FPS on 1440p even with ultra settings.