SimWorks Studios Kodiak 100 one the best aircraft for MSFS 2020

I need a bit of help, due to this, still unacknowledged, bug:

Just now, I tried to take a screenshot and the blasted bug was induced.

When I resumed the sim, the aircraft had lost engine power. I presume this was due to the Xbox OS pause and resume “moving” the condition lever to cut-off and, then after seeing where my peripherals were actually set, moving it back to High, because that is where it was still set.

Anyhow, the issue is I need to understand how to restart the turbo prop engine when in the air. Like a dope, I flicked on the fuel pump, ignition, and starter and neglected to move the condition lever out of high. Thus, I had insane ITT spike, due to hot start. I can be forgiven, I think, for being out of my element here.

What is the proper procedure to restarting one of these power plants whilst in the air after the sim tries to destroy your calm and serene flight?
