SimWorks Studios Kodiak 100 one the best aircraft for MSFS 2020

I was flying it about 30 minutes ago and no callouts to ATC that mentioned the plane type.

For example when I talk to ATC in a Piper Arrow (and many other aircraft) I get something along the lines of “XTC123 (my callsign) is type Piper Arrow, requesting flight following”
They also respond with the plane type in some of their communications.

With the Kodiak I just get "XTC123 is type (then silence) requesting flight following etc…

I have owned the Kodiak since you released it and am currently running version 1.2.2 and can not rememeber ever hearing the plane type called out.

Thanks for response, good luck with the imminent udates.

I think that is down to this attribute, “atc_type”, in the “[GENERAL]” section of aircraft.cfg.

I believe the Kodiak may have this misconfigured.

Here is what is in the default steam 172:

atc_type = “TT:ATCCOM.ATC_NAME CESSNA.0.text”

Here’s the Black Square Caravan:

atc_type =“TT:ATCCOM.ATC_NAME CESSNA.0.text”

And here is the BBS Islander:


What I have in the latest version of the Kodiak I have is this:

atc_type =“KODIAK”

I believe this has been conflated with a different attribute, possibly this:

icao_model =KODIAK

The TTS is pulled from another file:

“D:\Flight Simulator\Official\OneStore\fs-base\en-US.locPak”

In that flie can be found these two lines:

“ATCCOM.ATC_NAME CESSNA.0.text”: “Cessna”,
“ATCCOM.ATC_NAME CESSNA.0.tts”: “Cessna”,

The Kodiak doesn’t have a similar entry, so one would need to be added there I expect, so something like this:

“ATCCOM.ATC_NAME KODIAK.0.text”: “Kodiak”,
“ATCCOM.ATC_NAME KODIAK.0.tts”: “Kodiak”,

Then the Kodiak “aicraft.cfg” line would need to be edited to this:

atc_type =“TT:ATCCOM.ATC_NAME KODIAK.0.text”

I think you are on the right lines there hobangerik, I did look around in the config files of the Arrows to see what was different, but in the end decided not to mess about trying to get the Kodiak responding in a similar way.

Hopefully a simple fix for the devs to add this feature in

Looking forward to the update! Especially some of the engine tweaks and FM tweaks. Still miss state saving, but hey what can you do.

Here is what it looks like right now:


I then added the following line to the Kodiak’s “aircraft.cfg”.

atc_type = “TT:ATCCOM.ATC_NAME KODIAK.0.text”

And then these two lines to the other file, added in between the “King Air”, and the “Lake”.


This is the result:


It should probably say “Daher”, and type “Kodiak”.

I did try to add the both the ATC name, and Model, and all it did was mess up my UI, so I may have got something wrong there. Let’s try changing the simple text in “aircraft.cfg”, and retest. So that did nothing, so it may need the whole thing.

So the “aircraft.cfg” now looks like this:

;atc_type ="KODIAK"
atc_type = "TT:ATCCOM.ATC_NAME DAHER.0.text"
;atc_model ="Daher"
atc_model ="TT:ATCCOM.AC_MODEL KODIAK.0.text"

And I have inserted the following lines in the file “en-US.locPak”:

"ATCCOM.AC_MODEL KODIAK.0.text": "Kodiak",
"ATCCOM.AC_MODEL KODIAK.0.tts": "Kodiak",

I had added “Daher” already, but it looks like that is already there.

I now see this:


When I removed my “Daher” entry, it removed that from ATC as well.


I couldn’t see any difference between the two entries, other than mine being in the wrong place in the list alphabetically.

I had also tried to get it to read it out correctly, so I tried this:

"ATCCOM.ATC_NAME_DAHER.0.text": "Daher",
"ATCCOM.ATC_NAME_DAHER.0.tts": "Dayer",

The only other difference was the version of the above I added was in the wrong place, as I had it originally called “KODIAK”, so this “Daher” entry was between K, and L entries.

I noticed I had a typo, and there was missing underscore in the “NAME” attribute. When I correct that it messes up my UI.

atc_type = "TT:ATCCOM.ATC_NAME_DAHER.0.text"

"ATCCOM.ATC_NAME_DAHER.0.text": "Daher",
"ATCCOM.ATC_NAME_DAHER.0.tts": "Daher",

When I had the underscore missing in the “aircraft.cfg” file, my UI was fine, but it won’t use the “Daher” entry. It only did when I had those two lines duplicated further up in the file. I will try to move those two further up. For some reason there are a handful of entries that appear below the “Z” entries.

      "ATCCOM.ATC_NAME_BEECHCRAFT.0.tts": "Beechcraft",
      "ATCCOM.ATC_NAME_CIRRUS.0.text": "Cirrus",
      "ATCCOM.ATC_NAME_CIRRUS.0.tts": "Cirrus",
      "ATCCOM.ATC_NAME_CUBCRAFTERS.0.text": "Cub Crafters",
      "ATCCOM.ATC_NAME_CUBCRAFTERS.0.tts": "Cub Crafters",
      "ATCCOM.ATC_NAME_DAHER.0.text": "Daher",
      "ATCCOM.ATC_NAME_DAHER.0.tts": "Daher",
      "ATCCOM.ATC_NAME_FLIGHTDESIGN.0.text": "Flight Design",
      "ATCCOM.ATC_NAME_FLIGHTDESIGN.0.tts": "Flight Design",
      "ATCCOM.ATC_NAME_ICON.0.text": "Icon",
      "ATCCOM.ATC_NAME_ICON.0.tts": "Icon",
      "ATCCOM.ATC_NAME_MUDRY.0.text": "Mudry",
      "ATCCOM.ATC_NAME_MUDRY.0.tts": "Mudry",
      "ATCCOM.ATC_NAME_PIPISTREL.0.text": "Pipistrel",
      "ATCCOM.ATC_NAME_PIPISTREL.0.tts": "Pipistrel",
      "ATCCOM.ATC_NAME_ROBIN.0.text": "Robin",
      "ATCCOM.ATC_NAME_ROBIN.0.tts": "Robin",
      "ATCCOM.ATC_NAME_SAVAGE.0.text": "Savage",
      "ATCCOM.ATC_NAME_SAVAGE.0.tts": "Savage",
      "ATCCOM.ATC_NAME_VOLOCOPTER.0.text": "Volocopter",
      "ATCCOM.ATC_NAME_VOLOCOPTER.0.tts": "Volocopter",

It looks like all these entries have those underscore characters in them, but the ones above are not. That looks like a bug. I will move the Daher line up, and ensure both files have the entries without the “_” in them. I made the changes, and my UI is still messed up. Hmmm, why did it work when I had duplicated Daher entries…

So I reset my “en-US.locPak” file, and only added the following two like for the Kodiak, between the Kiowa, and L1011.

      "ATCCOM.AC_MODEL KODIAK.0.text": "Kodiak",
      "ATCCOM.AC_MODEL KODIAK.0.tts": "Kodiak",

I then used the existing Daher line, including the underscore, in that file in the aircraft.cfg:

;atc_type ="KODIAK"
atc_type = "TT:ATCCOM.ATC_NAME_DAHER.0.text"
;atc_model ="Daher"
atc_model ="TT:ATCCOM.AC_MODEL KODIAK.0.text"

This seems to work.


And changing this line sounds a lot better too, changing “Daher” to “Dayer”.

"ATCCOM.ATC_NAME_DAHER.0.tts": "Dayer",

Which file do you modify? There are of plenty of them

I need to let MS know about that as the .loc files were provided to us.


“D:\Flight Simulator\Official\OneStore\fs-base\en-US.locPak”

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Any news on the update???

I just download the update on sim market

What version is it ? we’re on 1.2.2

Heard rummer of a V2 for this ? Any info

I only see V1.2.2 on the SWS website, which is the old one since June.


They updated their facebook page a few hours ago with a pic of the floatiak captioned “Undocking…”

Hints at imminent release, maybe tomorrow?


Hi @SiRRiPPERORiG. In the upcoming Kodiak update, have you been able to resolve the issue with purple G1000 screens when viewed from outside the aircraft?

Also, do you have any idea why the Kodiak model sometimes appears in the sim as a pink checkerboard without any textures? I have an example of this below.


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Yes, we have reverted from a still G1000 to a dynamic one again. The purple shade of the screen is still a mystery.

As for the purple AI, this happens when a texture cannot be found. I have checked myself and the textures are complete, so this is on MSFS. It has been happening since SU8.

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I suspected it would be an issue with the sim itself, given it happens intermittently.
Thanks for your update.


“Ah, I love SWS stuff and I want to keep supporting them so they’ll stay in business and make an MSFS T-37 Tweet, but I don’t really fly float versions enough to justify re-buying the plane.” – Me before reading this topic today.

“$10 for the Flotiac for registered Kodiak owners? I’m in!” – Me after reading this topic today.

Custom liveries?

@SiRRiPPERORiG any news on when you guys expect to release the update for the Kodiak?

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