SimWorks Studios PC-12 (47 and NG)

I’d love to know what people’s definition of “rare” is, because going by the actual data failure doesn’t look like a “rare” event to me. It’s not the major contributor, but it’s a significant % of accidents above what I would consider rare (ie: low single digit %'s, which it’s far from). Handling emergency situations should be a part of scenario based training.

Yes, I get that :slightly_smiling_face:

This couldn’t be further from the truth and it’s quite insulting.
Where did i write that I never experienced failures IRL?
What do you think airline pilots are doing in Level D sims?
Looks like you have no idea what you are talking about.
MSFS is unfortunately just an eye candy flying game with horrible flight dynamics and engine simulations in quite a few areas.
I wouldn’t even remotely think about using it as a training tool!

I wasn’t specifically aimed at you and it wasn’t meant as an insult. Apologies if it came across like that.

Thanks for the clarification and no problem :slight_smile:

This project got me completely clueless, some days it feels it is being released next day, some days it feels it is still months from release.


At this point in time it is done. We are putting touches, dotting more "i"s and crossing "t"s -this never ends, really- while waiting to see if Pilatus think the same.


Pilatus just called me. They said to go ahead :wink:


I am a real life pilot on the A320 series and we have failures almost every day ( even though most are minor and/or resettable).


I’ve seen enough preview videos to know this will be a purchase for me. Looks like you’ve done a great job.

Regarding failures, I agree they are rare, but little things happen with regularity when you own an airplane.

On our most recent trip to Oshkosh in July, There were leaky lines for the brakes. Slight loss of suction resulting in a slow spin up of the artificial horizon, and an autopilot that was a bit slow to react. And the airplane just got its annual where they discovered very small cracks in the ailerons, requiring replacement. This is a 1967 Debonair C33A, So as it’s approaching it’s 60th birthday, things will break or require maintenance. YMMV on a new aircraft.

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I flew in the back end of a C-135 variant for 19 years in the Air Force. We went through several periods where landing with a Code 1 (no mx write-ups) jet was a pleasant surprise for the crew and the maintenance guys. Older airplanes to be sure, but they were constantly updated and went through a vigorous phase maintenance program every 18-24 months IIRC. Stuff was always breaking.

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I’m glad you mentioned it. I track trends and reliability for a decent sized fleet of aircraft and 100% back up what you’re saying. Stuff breaks all the time. But as you more or less pointed out, it’s not engine fires and pressurization loss. That stuff IS rare. But the amount of stuff that is either cleared with a reset/power cycle, MEL’d or is just ‘dumb’ little things that still put you AOG is mind boggling.


The avionics bugs in the game give a lifetime of failures already. Blackout screens at 38000’ at 450kt and zero avionics.


I know what you mean. I could have sworn I read 3/4 updates saying it’s going for final checks and sent it off to Pilatus and they finish up some final touches. Each time sounding like we are talking perhaps a week until release or something.

I understand issues get discovered and when you need someone else to sign off that too can cause unforeseen issues. But yeah, I’m still not sure how to interpret the current state.


Well all this build up & excitement I couldn’t contain myself any longer and just went ahead and spent my savings on the only pc-12 that’s available. Sorry good luck.


I’ve had the Carenado one since it came out and Ill buy the SWS one as well. Sounds are meh, startup and shutdown animations/sounds are meh, systems are basic(Opening the separator has 0 effect on torque or ITT, which could cause you to exceed some limits), and the trailing link gear isn’t even animated! That’s one of the best features of the 12! I also like that SWS is including a 5 blade model, much more fun to fly the 5 blade.

Patience is a virtue. Much rather wait for the SWS version than get a version I know I won’t like.

Hey O just kidding… But it feels like it’s about to that point :wink:

Did you get the FSR500? I’m going to purchase it this week. The PC12 could take another couple of weeks. Don’t take my word for it though :wink:

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I agree BUT if I had known it was going to be close to two years for this one to be ready, I would have been flying the Carenado from the start, and then picked up this one if it was worth it. A bit frustrating for sure.