SimWorks Studios PC-12 (47 and NG)

What is the trailing link gear?

Don´t worry I have just seen the empty cargo room in a YouTube video which was immediate appealing!

Here is a checklist for awesome new DLC planes appearing on the radar :slight_smile:

…no default G1000: check!

…cargo room or cargo version: check!

…no stupid animated low-polygon co-pilot I can´t get out of my cockpit and no ugly animated passengers and other nonsense I can´t get rid of inside the cabin when making my nice cozy solo-testflights: check!

…cozy beautyful romantic cockpit with soft warm cockpit illumination reminding me of the Fenix Airbus: check, well the seats don´t look as soft and ergonomic as in the Legend Flyer Bonanza V35 but the rest of the cockpit is absolute awesome.

…detailed outside model with detailed gear well, if jet has jet visible engine core and turbine inside the the exhaust cone, and openable bonnet or engine maintenance hatches: check!

…high detailed systems with a huge variety of electrical and turbine (or piston engine) failures and circuit breakers simulated: maybe, I hope so.

So far all points are green and a go :slight_smile:

After watching a few more videos about the PC-12 I have noticed that the textures are absolute top:

(Please remove this figurine from my other cockpit seat which is reserved for my laptop and logbook - it destroys the minimalism roomyness and art-style of the cockpit) the carpet and other areas of the plane are showing a nice geometric design line. Love these grey triangles truly a brandnew unique design:

From all the turbo props it´s one of the sharpest looking with the five-blade prop and the T-Tail and the winglets.


I would not complain about a Black Friday release, especially if you don’t announce anything before Friday.


We should be hearing some news this weekend about release date and price?
Right? RIGHT?! :slight_smile:


We are delighted to announce that the SimWorks Studios PC-12/47 is going to release on Wednesday, December 6, 2023, at 12:00GMT. The plane will be listed at €24.99 and release on and the Microsoft Flight Simulator Marketplace as soon as approved by MS. Availability to other stores will be made known next week.

The December 6th release will be PC-only, as we did not have the time to address a particular bug that affects Xbox users. Console release will follow as soon as the problem is addressed. We are currently working feverishly to wrap up the manual and have it in your hands before release.

The SWS PC-12 is by far our biggest developement yet and a first for many things. The aircraft contains our most complex flight model and engine yet, our first house-built avionics suite, custom sounds for two engines and multiple interior configurations. The release will be only the first step in offering the full PC-12 experience, as the aircraft will be upgraded over time with more features.

Work on the separate failure’s expansion module has already begun, the serious technical problem has been resolved, and we are designing the module in a way that failures will occur organically, while also being portable to our other aircraft.

Last but not least, our products are available at very high discounts on our website and 3rd party vendors, so if you are looking to get some SWS products at a very good price this is a good time to do it!


And a Happy Christmas to you too!

Does anyone know what the pricing will be for the “failures add-on”, assuming that’s still a thing?

I believe the pricing was said to bring the full package in line with other aircraft with failures and damage. So from $30 for the base package up to $40-$50 would make the failure expansion cost $10-20. That would be reasonable to me.

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Thanks for your commitment to continue investigation on Xbox development. I keep posting comments with increasingly apologetic tones towards the console’s limitations, but I feel immense gratitude towards all of the hoops through which developers are jumping in order to help bring great products to our version of the platform. So, thank you, and sorry, but mostly thank you.


The only limitation I’m aware of is graphics memory, which isnt an issue if you follow SDK guidelines. There are certainly other things we havent yet stumbled upon, but from a systems point of view it is as capable as the PC.


Excellent stuff, a release date at last. This and the NG are two of my favourite aircraft and I had to exercise restraint in not getting what I think (although obviously time will tell of course) will be an inferior version that is already available for the sim from another developer.


Only 3 more days to go! Im getting excited about the release!
Yay!! finally


some pictures to wait that I made during testing to wait before the release of this must-have PC-12


the SAFARI WINGS version


It will be hard to resist … :yum:

Yep right on the buy list after they patched the Kodiak, which went from pretty nice to borderline unflyable twitchiness :smiley:


Hope Asobo will release this high anticipated and overdue PC-12 in the Marketplace pretty fast. Thanks in advance.


Love the Safari Wings livery! Just purchased the Okavango Delta so this will be a real treat to fly around in! 1 MORE DAY!!!

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Lotus Pose. Hummmmm Lllooow. Release PC-12 now. :wink:

Oh boy, SWS website shows a spot for PC-12 Legacy under the aviation tab. No product found yet, but I’m sure it’s imminent!

according to discord 7am CET the release is a few hours away. hope the released product is free of any major bug. i am afraid they release it in a hury just to gain sales before christmas.