SimWorks Studios PC-12 (47 and NG)

Skidding is a thing of the past now. I purposefully let the takeoff roll rise to over a hundred knots just to see how it was now and it was perfectly controllable.


Thanksā€¦ I have that bit of software so will try ā€¦its all greek to me so will have a goā€¦and learn . :grinning:

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Excellent thanks for confirming!

Quick question, how do you guys do the walk around procedure and open the door, remove the before start tags, etc. I want to be able to do this and enter the cabin as well. Is there something Iā€™m missing or is it just using the freelook camera? Thanks in advance.

Go to checklist and click on the eye in the checklist.

In the new version I can only hide the copilot. The passengers can not be hided. Never checked this in the previous version.

Donā€™t know what happened to the co-pilot headrest click spot to shut off passengers either not working here on my end. Also what is up with ATC calling callsign Example N173YAOHDEN and I only have the N number setup in the aircraft settings without the OHDEN.

@CplHak rhe pax hiding was removed as we got more requests to have them visible.

There is a way to hide them through devmode by setting the PayloadsHidden Local Variable to 1, which will get rid of them.

It can also be found in the FLT files, first one under [LOCALVARS]. Change to 1 and pax will be there only in weight.

Rgr Thanks. Happy Landings

The OHDEN ATC callsign. Is it normal for ATC to say Rocky OHDEN? Can you change call signs for atc I use FSLTL.

Disregard all ATC comments from this noob :wink: Figured it out through the aircraft.cfg.


Wait, let me get this straight. You had an option to give people the choice to use what they prefer with an easy click, and you removed that option, because one group was louder? Whatā€™s the point of that? Did the clickspot hurt the aircraft in any way?


Thatā€™s anā€¦ oddā€¦ choice.


Agree, I donā€™t understand either. Itā€™s unusual.


Did the clickspot hurt the aircraft in any way?

For the pilot one yes, when using TrackIR or Tobii Head tracking software as sometimes you can find yourself behind the clickspot and when you try to click on an instrument it would cause the pilot model to appear, blocking your view and control, but removing options seems unuseful.

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Iā€™ve noticed in pre release screen shots that the cockpit curtain was closed. Itā€™s a nicer way to ā€œcloseā€ the cockpit than using the lavatory door. Not essential but I donā€™t find any clickspot for that and nothing about in the manual neither. Or maybe it was only used to hide a work in progress interior? Would be nice to have that option though.


Most of the people that reached out wanted to have pax but no co-pilot, so we either satisfied them, or the others. If we find a good spot to put a passenger clickspot we will.

BTW the copilot clickspot has been moved to the big lever at the base of the seat.


So after the update the ground roll skidding issue is fixed along with a few other things Iā€™d noted like the fuel conversion, barber pole, CDI vertical needle inversion and 1_2 button. Happy with these fixes but now onto some others.

The fast/slow indication is always present. It should only be on when the indicated and target airspeeds are within certain limits according to the EFS-50 manual.

With reference to the first item above. There is no way I can tell for setting the target airspeed. There is also no display of this airspeed target at the top of the EADI. Again from info in the EFS-50 manual.

Linked in to both of the previous items. There is an autopilot IAS mode but no way of seeing the speed itā€™s meant to be maintaining. Iā€™m guessing the AP up/dn buttons will Inc/Dec this speed but without a display you could be setting to anything. I understand that upon initial IAS mode selection the current IAS should be captured but what if you want to change from there.

Master warning flicks on then off again on every takeoff and landing. Why?

There is no deviation indicator when in Back Course.

The rising runway only works with ILS approaches not RNAV approaches with vertical. Should it?

Red unsafe gear lights do not come on during Ann test.

The EPS switch test position should be momentary and the green test light should be on immediately and stay on for a count of 5 secs if the EPS battery is good.

The Fuel qty gauge is not normally linked to the fuel computer(totaliser). They are purposefully keep separate for safety reasons. I think the qty bargraphs which represent whatā€™s in the tanks should always reflect whatā€™s in the tanks and not be linked into having to do a fuel reset. The fuel reset is to reset the totaliser remaining and used values. The PC-12 does do a little link between the 2 systems here by using the tank totals as the totaliser starting fuel remaining value but as I understand it thatā€™s the extent of the link. Generally in GA aircraft that task is left to the pilot to enter manually and the 2 systems are completely independent. Here is a video I found showing the qty bargraphs already showing following a power up. It also shows the EPS test behaviour.

The heading bug on the EADI should only be present in composite mode. I understand this is not modelled yet but one to address come the time.

Sorry for the long post. Happy if any of these are incorrect but would just like an explanation of the correct operation should it be different to what I outlined.


Canā€™t address it all as Iā€™m on the phone, but I will try a blanket explanation for some.

Starting with the EFIS, the Bendix/King manual presents various options which vary by manufacturer option. As an example, the AoA is always visible on the PC-12 and the IAS speed is not shown. For the rising runway we will need some surefire data to check it. Our info doesnā€™t specify if it is limited to ILS or not.

Fuel quantity doesnā€™t reset in real time, but upon request (fuel reset). @YuriPrime6244 wrote it by the POH and modified it a bit with pilot feedback. If something slipped we will take care of it.

EPS: our info is that it takes 5 sec to test and come on. When CaptGamn gets back in a legacy he will double-check it for us and if so, we will short it.

Some others you reference are known issues and will be addressed.

There are also some nuances that vary across planes. I.e. Gene Stuart mentioned the CPCS scale is backwards, but we have a picture of the full dial that we used to model it. Also, the electrical systems donā€™t match across planes. For example Tradewind puts COM/NAV2 on the stqndby bus while our reference plane at Fly7 has COM/NAV1. Also, our plane has the right landing light on the non essential bus, which load sheds when gennies are off. Other planes donā€™t.

So there are many differences across the legacy models that are due to evolution, operator option or factory needs. Weā€™ve had internal discussions where we had 5 opinions frok 4 pilots.


Right that explains a lot and I totally get them being different especially having been in service for so long.

Iā€™d specifically like to hear back on the fuel reset thing because that video shows it already there upon initial power up.

The big one though is the whole target airspeed setting thing. Is it fixed for approach perhaps? What do SWS use as the reference for the fast slow. The manual I read didnā€™t mention an option to permanently display the fast/slow and referenced a target speed but Iā€™ll read that section again.

Having no display of the target at all seems strange. How is the autopilot mode meant to work with no display. Again not saying itā€™s wrong just trying to understand how it works. I didnā€™t see anything in the SWS manual for this and itā€™s not obvious.

AoA is a tricky bit. The doughnut is at 1.3Vs. There is no data for fast and slow, so we had to extrapolate it off of pilot feedback and videos.
It eventually settled to 1.15Vs for slow, 1.45 for fast. Edit: page 642, displayed at all times.

The stall speed is defined by the pusher actuvation point and it is dynamically calculated, as it will vary by weight & load factor.

Regarding the target display, we had the same question. The POH (p.683, MSN 401-888) does not show it and the answer we got is that it isnā€™t there. Many operators use VS and some use IAS in the flight levels. It seems all they have to go with is the Airspeed Indicator and Mk.1 Eyeball.

Fuel reset: seen the video, will check against the pilots in case itā€™s another inconsistency. If itā€™s a bug, its fate is sealed.