SimWorks Studios PC-12 (47 and NG)

How do you dim the EADI instrument? It’s very bright when flying at night.

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So where can I find the location of this fix???

Just that…
After watching world War Z and various other zombie films and doing a night flight with the strobes lightning up the cabin…

I kinda find it triggering

Even in the day and moving down the cabin to open the doors, I feel the adrenaline pumping through my veins at the thought of one of those models grabbing my arm and sinking their teeth into my arm…


Oh great, that is so much more convenient than just clicking a click spot. :grin:

Seriously: I love the aircraft so far, but removing that clickspot was a mindbogglingly bizarre decision. Any chance to reverse that?


Yes it’s unusual. In the PC-12 the HSI controls and displays both Nav1 and Nav2 radios as I previously explained. This is not unusual at all and quite common if you have an aircraft with a capable HSI. Aspen, Garmin & Bendix King to name a few systems that operate like this. What they tend not to have is an additional CDI like the PC-12. If you look at real world PC-12 photos you’ll see the CDI is present so what we have here is based on the real thing. If you try what I explained you’ll see that’s how it works.

EDIT: Since indeed confirmed as not correctly implemented yet.

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Is that correct behavior, though? If I’m trying to shoot an approach and using NAV 2 for step down fixes, I don’t want to keep having to switch between NAV 1/2 and use the CRS selector on the EHSI, I just want to grab the OBS knob on the 2 radio and twist it.

Of course, you can just use RMI for that, but something doesn’t seem right with that setup. There’s no reason for the knob and course selector to exist as “just a reference” as that’s a dangerous setup, human-factors wise.


why it not display the Fuel quality ?

It’s not my design. I don’t like it either. Ask Pilatus why it’s like that. As I said many aircraft have just a single HSI that you use to control all sources. That part is not unusual and you’d have the same issue with another system anyhow. I.e. any aircraft with a G1000.
For sim purposes you could if you wanted to use the output of that CDI knob to also drive Nav 2. The CDI obs is available as an LVAR so it just needs writing to the Nav 2 obs var.

EDIT : Clarification its not like this on the real aircraft as the CDI in the real aircraft uses its own internal Nav/loc converter. This fix is confirmed as coming in an update by SWS.

You need to push the “Fuel Reset” button. That’s the 2nd little round black button below that gauge cluster. It takes a couple of seconds and then the fuel levels are being displayed.


thank yuo very much !

Guys, (EDIT: This problem is already solved !)
Since today I have a problem with the right AV switch (AV 1) and I get a “AV Bus” warning.
The switch refuse to go to the "connect"position.
Because of this the captain EHDI does not come alive, as the Co-Pilots NAV display, Transponder and ADF receiver…
NAV, BEACON, STROBE and PROBE switch also not working.
I did not change any styartup routine, so I don’t understand what is causing this…since failures are not implemented yet. There is no flight possible because of this.
Any help?

I changed my Bravo Throttle profile and because of that some excisting setting in this profile prevented the AV 1 Switch to flip on.

Please forgive me for my assumption rolinuss. I thought you could click on the eye in the sim’s checklist to look at fuel caps etc. Guess it doesn’t work. Or they haven’t ironed it out yet.

Another bug. The LVAR L:SWS_EFIS50_Push_SelectNavSrc_1 does not update when deselect Nav 1 by pressing the NAV button. This means if you cycle back to the NAV source again the EHSI shows as NAV1 (default) but the LVAR still indicates that NAV2 is displayed. I use this LVAR to indentify which nav source is selected for external obs control.

The VS descent of the AP appears to be inoperative.

To press VS before it works after pressing IAS first?

Push arm button first then v-speed wait then push middle of altitude dial button and set v-speed with dial or up and down button on ATC panel.

Thank you for noticing and letting us know. It is fixed and the fix will be included in next update.

THANKS. You give me good advice in adjusting the VS before takeoff. I had difficulty to set it at that time.

Like @CharlieFox00 I seriously doubt that this Nav setup with a deliberate inop Nav instrument exists IRL.
In +17000hrs (including PC-12 hours) I’ve never come across such a useless and dangerous design.
Can’t Image that such a config would be certified.
I’ve fliown a few PC-12s myself and asked an ex PC-12 sales pilot yesterday. He also confirmed that this config is extremely unlikely.

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The standby OBS is bugged, it is in our task list fot today.

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Thank you CplHak. Have never used the in game checklists and didn’t know about the eye. Have found it and it does work.

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