SimWorks Studios PC-12 (47 and NG)

@PZL104 I’d like the feedback from you here.

The way I just coded it is that the EHSI NAV2 and standby OBS work independently. Assuming your NAV2 radio works and you are

  • Headed 0 degrees
  • the VOR is ahead
  • you are on radial 176

This will get you:

  • EFIS OBS2 set to 0: left deflection, one dot and change (6 degrees), TO flag showing
  • CDI OBS set to 180: right deflection, one dot and change (6 degrees), FROM flag showing

Both systems work concurrently and independently of one another, even though they are tuned to the same radio.

I again was not able to engange VS mode only by clicking on the altitude selector. What I currently do as a workaround is to select the VS in the selector, klick on VS and then click once on the “DOWN” or “UP” on the autopilot controller. Then VS mode is engaged. But should it not engage initially. In my case the plane tries shortly but then directly levels on the current altitute.

I also ensured that the new altitute is already set and armed before I tried.

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This seems to happen with the PMS & TDS GTNs. We’ve got this in our sights and work with them to get the isse resolved.


Are you saying you just made that change or are you saying that’s what we have. I ask because I don’t remember the cdi needle moving at all when it’s knob is rotated so I’m assuming that’s new code.

That’s the new change I just made. You guys don’t have it yet.

+1 !
Would be nice to be able setting these values through the usual sim variables either via FSUIPC or SimConnect. Otherwise external soft- and hardware cannot be used with this very good aircraft. Thanks in advance for making it possible.


Do you mean that both systems are tied to the same nav receiver?

Or that both systems are tied to their respective nav receiver and that both receivers are tuned to the same VOR station? i.e. No.1 system is tied to nav 1 receiver and no.2 system is tied to the no.2 receiver.
I think that the latter should be the case.

Just had a CTD, basically during start up, i had started the engine, but hadnt turned on the Avionics (as i was trying to adjust lighting), and a audible warning said “avionics bus” twice, so i switched on AV2 (just happened to do this one first) i got a freeze for 10secs, followed by CTD. Sorry, just not sure where i was meant to report it, and i know your active here !!

Would it be possible to indicate the CRS and HDG values on the EHSI always with 3 digits and leading zeros? Currently CRS or HDG values < 100 are displayed without leading zeros which seems at least to me not right.

Would it be possible to have two color values in the aircraft.cfg (or any other appropriate file or location) which allow to define the two background colors of the artificial horizon.


Blue = #3DB4FF
Brown = #D3AC4A

The idea behind this is, that every monitor is different and regardless of the current settings (brightness, contrast, gamma) sometimes it’s really hard to read the white values and see the white lines in front of a ‘light blue’, or ‘light brown’ background. In other words, more contrast would be helpful. I played around with the NVIDIA settings quite some time, but the disadvantage of doing this is, that not only the blue and brown color changes, but also the white so in the end there’s no gain.

The standby CDI is tuned to NAV2. EFIS can also be tuned to NAV2 at the same time. I believe they can work independently of one another even though they’re tuned to the same radio because the angular error is a function of the plane position and compass card.

As the standby CDI has a compass card that is rotated by the knob and isn’t tied to the gyroscope, the two can work independently of each other.

Another couple small bugs ive found since the update, are the IAS doesnt work, mostly for descent (worked on climb), but once pressed from alt hold, before you can pull back throttle, it switches back to alt hold, making it unusable. Also APPR mode doesnt seem to engage at all?

These will depend on the GPS installation you’re using. I’ve tested IAS & APPR and they work with the WT GNS as long as you “arm” the altitude you want it to settle at. There could be some quirks at play but it worked just a minute ago.

If you use the TDS or PMS GTNs, as these operate the autopilot with their own, completely different logic, it could be a number of problems that we are talking with them to address.

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Sorry, but either the answer doesn’t fit to the quote or the quote remains unanswered.

I agree that it should be the behavior of the 2nd VOR gauge. The original question came about from this post, in which the VOR 2 OBS selector did nothing to center the CDI, despite being set to the 060 radial:

SimWorks Studios PC-12 (47 and NG) - #740 by Super275327?

In the sim yes but not the real ones. A Nav receiver will output the deviation, to/from etc based on the difference between the actual radial you are on and the one you selected. This selection is done with the OBS dial. The Nav receiver provides the outputs based on the OBS input and there is only one per radio. It works across two EHSI’s because they share the same CRS across both sides for each radio. Change one the other changes to follow. You can’t do that with a mechanical CDI.

Again, is it possible to dim the EADI instrument? It’s very bright when flying at night.


Some NAV receivers send a composite signal out and the work to differentiate the signal and determine CDI deviation is done at the gauge, allowing for different CDI selections amongst several gauges. I imagine this would be the case in this setup. Would be nice to get confirmation from someone who has seen the setup recently.

I’m not at my sim right now, but does anyone have the model number of the radio and gauge emulated in the sim?

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Yes, you can. Use the two rotary knobs on the EFIS control panel. The upper knob is for the EHSI, the lower one for the EADI. See the manual on page 53, ‘CP467 CONTROL PANEL’


The two EFIS units do share the NAV info, but the KI-204 has an integral analyser so it shoudld output separately from the EFIS based on the card’s selection as you describe.


Affirm, the KI-204 has an internal VOR and LOC converter.

Awesome, thanks for the confirmation!