Since SU11, Live Traffic now flies without any reference to real-world location data and completely ignores Airways, STAR, and Approach routes

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Brief description of the issue:

Since SU11, Live Traffic now flies without any reference to real-world location data and completely ignores Airways, STAR, and Approach routes.

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Live Traffic was compared with various charts and flightradar24 data recorded at the same time.
MULTIPLAYER is set to OFF so that nothing but Live Traffic is shown on the screen.
Please expand and view the following items.

Live Traffic to fly a completely different path than the real location and route

SKY517 is approaching from the southeast.

However, there are no Airways in this vicinity heading in a northwesterly direction.

Confirmation by FR24 shows that SKY517 is flying far northeast, more than 100 km away from VOR KEC, clearly flying a different route than in reality.
Also, the altitude is different between Live Traffic’s FL360 and FR24’s FL380.

Live Traffic does not exist in STAR

FR24 confirms that RJTT is operated by STAR as AKSEL1A, XAC1A, GODIN1C, etc., landing on runways 34R and 34L.





Live Traffic at the same time does not show any aircraft.

Live Traffic flying in a completely different location than STAR

APJ502 flying radar vector from Waypoints RUTAS to RJAA runway 34R localizer.

However, Live Traffic flies in a completely different location.

There are no STARs in the RJAA that fly in these locations.

An aircraft that should not exist appears in Approach routes in Live Traffic

Approaching RJTT with ILS Z RWY34L.
JAL258 is flying ahead on the same route.

However, when FR24 is checked, JAL258 is flying 40 km behind and has not yet reached the approach.

Live Traffic suddenly appears on the landing runway extension

There is currently no Traffic flying the same route behind you.

78 seconds later, Traffic suddenly appeared behind.

The positions and routes of the aircraft that can be confirmed do not match FR24 at all.

Live Traffic flying a completely different route from reality on the World Map

ANA 262 is flying toward runway 16 at RJTT.

However, when checked by FR24, it is flying in a completely different location, toward runway 34L, the opposite of runway 16.

There is no STAR that can enter RJTT from the west, either on Runway 16 or Runway 34.

In addition, the U.S. Air Force Yokota AFB is located to the west of the RJTT, and commercial passenger aircraft do not pass over that area at low altitudes.

The moment Live traffic reaches the landing runway extension on the World Map, it changes course at right angles without making a turn

JAL190 is flying toward the RJTT runway 16L extension.

The moment it reaches the runway extension, it turns at right angles instead of turning and faces runway 16L squarely.

Checking FR24, JAL190 is flying in a completely different location towards runway 34 in the opposite direction of runway 16.

Live Traffic is landing on a non-landable runway on the world map

Live Traffic is flying toward runway 04 and runway 05 of RJTT.

However, neither runway is used for landing.

In reality, this SKY618 is headed to runway 34L at ILS X 34L.

Detailed steps to reproduce the issue encountered:

Fly with Live Traffic enabled and check Traffic.
Check the Traffic displayed on the World Map.

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Build Version # when you first started experiencing this issue:

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Up until SU10 I flew with Live Traffic in the airways and enjoyed the experience of spending time side by side in STAR until landing.
SU11 has completely destroyed this enjoyment.


I too am disappointed that this has been broken. While it was never perfect, it’s never been worse than right now. What’s the point of live traffic if they don’t fly where they are supposed to go? I want to follow a real-life flight from takeoff to landing, with the live traffic flying accurate altitudes and speeds, and not disappearing 10 minutes after takeoff. Maybe that’s too much to ask.


Thank you. I live near KSFO and know the local flight patterns quite well. Since the update, the AI planes are flying in and out on every runway. At SFO in real life, 1R and 1L are rarely used for landing (usually extremely windy days) and I do not remember seeing any landings on 10R and 10L. 19L and 19R are only used for landing in rain.

in SU10, the AI used to follow these real life patterns with the only issue being endless “go around”.


I agree, i fly less and less now due to this.

Wish this was a priority for Asobo or revert ai back to su10.


“The traffic is a literal simulated version of a real world aircraft. The sim, in some ways, doesn’t recognise their existence. ATC, default or third party will only recognise you.”

In SU10 the AI followed the pattern of reality and rarely deviated from it.
The reproduction of STAR in particular was superb and did not feel out of place at all.
At some airports, ATC would direct the approach without considering STAR, but this was limited to runways with multiple paths, such as ILS X and LIS Z, or runways with different approaches depending on the weather, such as LDA on clear days and ILS on stormy days.
Of course, this did not cause Live Traffic to suddenly warp or veer off course at right angles.
Also, the takeoff runway selection was often incorrect, but this was not a major concern since the AI had a logic that gave priority to runways with the same orientation as the runway selected by the player in the MSFS flight plan in DEPARTURES and ARRIVALS.

Live Traffic in SU11 is too sensitive to wind direction, and a slight change in wind direction can cause the runway used to suddenly be in the opposite direction.
This is a common problem with third-party ATC add-ons such as FSHud.

At airports near large cities, safety rules and noise regulations dictate which runway is used, and the runway that is best suited for the wind direction is rarely used.
Even if there is a tailwind, operations are not changed as long as it does not violate safety regulations.
SU10’s Live Traffic reproduced this point very well.

Asobo, can you guys please yank out the code changes to Simconnect and shoot a quick hotfix to bring things back pre SU11? I can deal with spinning aircraft and all this other stuff, as long as inbound and outbound traffic works, which it did greatly with FSLTL.


Team is unable to reproduce this issue.