Sky4sim virtual iPad (maps, frequencies, weather, pdf viewer and more)

If you are able to join, the current MSFS beta version fixes the toolbar issue and some other things.

Beware it does add a couple of issues , such as losing throttle control whilst hovering over an open toolbar window, but I much prefer it to the non-beta

I had already tried the beta version, but I like to fly with TBM, and in the beta version my Saitek Throttle doesn’t work.

I had the issue with the Hawk and a couple of other aircraft - temporary workaround is to create a duplicate control profile that I switch to for those aircraft. In the duplicate profile the throttle is mapped to throttle 1 axis, not throttle axis - It is a bit annoying but better than no toolbar.

Is there the option to teleport?

I have that problem allready and im not in beta.

I have now downloaded a small update that has come out, and the taskbar issue is resolved.

Great, I think that is the beta version now being pushed to everybody

Herself, because now I have the problem of TBM power control

Hate to be that guy but can we get back on topic about this wonderful App please?
Thanks :relaxed:


Is there an option to have the virtual iPad stick/hold into its place in the cockpit while not using VR? Now when I’m looking around it’s following me and that is disturbing. I would prefer to place it in the cockpit somewhere and that it stays there. Like a real iPad would.


Sky4sim really does have a font size/scaling issue in game at 4K UHD (even on a large 48" screen UHD TV). The text is so small it’s illegible, zoom in and the text momentarily scales up then flips back to being tiny again. Believe it or not it’s so small I actually tried to use binnoculars to read it! LOL, but they had too short a focus distance to TV :rofl:. The only way I’ve found to read it is to switch to using an extenal browser to view sky4sim server instead where the text displays perfectly normally. I love this app but at 4K it’s useless for reading text (place/airport names) on the map and airport/VOR/NDB info mouse overs, which is a large part of the app’s appeal. Would be good to have an option to scale/size the text better in game.

In game at 4K-

In windows desktop browser-

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I’m pretty happy with sky4sim, but I’m wondering if there’s some way to see something like a VFR sectional with my aircraft superimposed on it in real time? I’d also like to see a feature where I can search for approach plates from within sky4sim instead of having to do it before the flight and import as pdf.

HI All,

Can’t seem to get any flight plans loaded. When I go to open it says there is nothing there. I see the post about this near the top but need a bit of extra help.



Just create a flight plan in MSFS or some other program like Little Nav Map (LNM). Save it as a .pln someplace on your computer (e.g. desktop). Find out where you default directory is for MSFS flies (mine is C:\Users\xxxxxxxx\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\LocalState) and move the flight plan files to this location (or save them there from MSFS or LNM). Next open the Sky4sim virtual iPad and select the Flight Plan button, then select the Open/Save tab along the top. You should now see any flight plans (.pln) files you have in this directory. Select the one you want by double clicking it.
If you are having trouble locating the correct file location simply open MSFS world map and select load a flight plan. It should open to the correct file location where to should save your flight plans.
Hope this helps!

Note a nice update to the app today:


  • Fully resizable Pad: The pad can now be resized following the user preferences and needs, that means it can be either portrait or landscape but also squared. All the content is designed to fit the container no matter its size
  • Clock in menu bar: You can now be aware of the dinner time without removing your Headset!
  • Notepad application: Take notes of everything you need (assigned start, approach frequency, XPNDR…)


  • Bing Maps Retina screen map tiles: Better map background quality and wider map text (especially usefull on VR)
  • Aerial Map with labels: New bing map background layer.
  • Bigger tooltips font size
  • Scrolling arrows: Allow you to scroll even if you are not using a mouse wheel (VR controllers)
  • Improved Edge Navigation Bar: If no PDF are open in the viewer the PDF viewer application is not part of the fast navigation application accessible from pad edges
  • Tooltip Left Side: Display tooltip on the left side so they are not hidden by mouse pointer anymore
  • Virtual Keyboard Improvement and Layout: New virtual keyboard layout remapped for an easier access to most usefull characters
  • Virtual Keyboard ghost text: Added a text bar to be able to know what you’re typing when the virtual keyboard hide the textfield.
  • Improved Plane Tracking: The plane is now update every 250ms on the map, allowing a better tracking and a smoother map transition

Core Changes (.exe file):

  • Multiple PDF file upload: When uploading a PDF file from sky4sim Documents tab you can select multiple files to convert.
  • Auto Start Webserver: You can now choose to automaticaly start Sky4Sim server on launch


  • Resolved a bug that was preventing Sky4Sim to start when it was launched from another location (it is now possible to auto start Sky4Sim from MSFS exe.xml file)
  • Resolved a bug on API Keys saving during Welcome wizard (first launch)
  • Solved a bug that was leading to missing POI names in MSFS nav log on PLN files generated by Sky4SIm
  • Solved bug that was generating invalid .PLN files

A simple but much needed feature!

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Fon’t sizes on map at 4K fixed. Thank you to dev, fantastic. Minor, but could they do the same scalability for the fonts under the ‘ipad’ like ‘app’ icons on the homepage? that text is really tiny still no matter how big I scale my sky4sim window.

Maps and nav frequencies now readable/scalable at 4K res-

Tiny text on ‘app’/icon page at 4k res (minor issue) -

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Other point of note:

I love how I can now display VOR and NDB and airports info at same time now and be able to mouse over each one with no overlay toggles. The spread was so wide before that you had to toggle visibility off of NDB’s and VOR’s to mouse over say an Airport for info for example, now they are well separated so no need to do this any more. Again fantastic. Minor gripe. VOR symbol is currently a black outline, which in night view map totally disappears. Make it blue instead perhaps? Again fairly minor.

Nice separation of VOR, NDB and Airport symbols in map now-

Same view in night map mode, black/dark VOR symbol completely disappears into background colour-

All in all a great update and now with scalability, a clock and notepad too. A fantastic wee app! :+1:


This was my only “con”. Now that it’s fixed, it has become my favorite 3rd party app along navigraph !! Amazing piece of software. I would suggest Asobo team up with him to integrate it in the sim for everyone. It should be featured on MSFS Addons, would be a great investment !!

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Agree. Can’t live without it. Fantastic tool.

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