Small external monitor recommendation for instruments

Can anyone recommend a decent small monitor setup to use with instrument pop outs. I primarily fly GA (G1000) and A32NX so ideally want something which is compatible with both the G1000 PFD and also the A320 PFD.

I was looking at just one 10 inch monitor but am wondering whether 2 smaller monitors side by side would work better.

Would appreciate suggestions from anyone already using a similar setup. Thanks

I have three monitors. My two side monitors are each 24 inches. You can use larger that the 10 inch that you are thinking about and put multiple pop-outs on a single monitor.

Plus the larger monitors are also very suitable for Little NavMap and Navigraph.

But, I do understand that some like to simulate more of a true cockpit.

I use two of these with AirManager and a knobster. Love it so far.

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yes I agree. Until browser based panels are available for the Airbus like Skyelite does with its product One monitor with popouts is a better option. One can even make a facia panel to fit over the monitor with the pfds etc. havent tried popout on another monitor yet because of framerate issues. One day in the future we will all be able to connect our old ipads and android tablets to run browser based instruments over a home network with zero frame rate impact. FBW are working on a mcdu that runs out of the sim at the moment. Skyelite has a free demo to test out setting up external instruments on a separate pc

I use an old practically obsolete iPad Air connected via USB and Splashtop Wired XDisplay (freeware). It makes Windows recognise it as a second monitor. You can get old iPads cheap on ebay.

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I was thinking of this but a few people have said there is a bit of a delay with iPads. Have you noticed any delay? I could give it a try with my existing iPad that I use for Navigraph just to test it out.

works quite well for me. Didn’t notice any delay but I use it only for the map. Since you already have an ipad you have nothing to lose. The app is free. Just try it out.

I’d say “no” I can’t recommend a 10" monitor to pop out instruments. Or two smaller ones.
I tried using a 15.6" touchscreen monitor using Air Manager to pop out the G1000 screens, but it was far too small.
Now I have two 15.6" touchscreen monitors for the standby instruments and the PFD, and for the comms buttons and the MFD, with a separate small (7") touch screen monitor for the switches, parking brake, fuel switch and flaps indicator. That’s a bit small, but it is what I have.
Note that they are all touch screen monitors. Well worth the extra cost if you’re buying.

I use a pair of Wimaxit 15.6" touchmonitors along with Air Manager. I also use a pair of tablets (iPad and Android) using SpaceDesk as wireless touch displays for extra instruments when required. The goal for me was to have a mouse and keyboard-free flying experience. And it works quite well.


Same as @Crunchmeister71 and based off his recommendations I went with a pair of the Wimaxit 15.6" tocuh pannels and a knobster.

Works awesome with Air Manager.

Also mounted a tablet to the yolk for charts, etc…

I wonder why you are looking at small monitors. Perhaps you have a space issue. Personally I use 2 x 24” touch displays which when placed side by side make for a very realistic size and placement solution for a large portion of the GA market. You can always add a tablet or 2 for things like overheads and pedestals if you want to be even more realistic with instrument placements. As many others are doing I use Air Manager to run my instruments.

I picked up a 13" 1080 Wimaxit. Pretty reasonable price and it fits just perfectly under my main monitor.

I might get another or a pair of something similar when I “refresh” my sim set up.

One word of warning: I bought my second 15.6" touchscreen for a little under ÂŁ141.
I really like it, so a week or two later I decided to buy another one.
The same seller was charging ÂŁ289 and when I looked around, the cheapest I could find was well over ÂŁ300.
So it might be better to wait for supply issues to be resolved before buying.

I think personally for me a 24” display would be overkill just for instruments considering my main monitor is 34”. If I placed a 24” display in front of my main display it would obscure the view quite a lot. My desk isn’t huge either so space is limited. I do also use the desk for other things so being able to move the sim peripherals out of the way is important. At the moment I can easily unclamp the Honeycomb Alpha and Bravo. A small monitor could easily clamp onto the top of the mounting holes at the top of the yoke, something which would not be possible with a 24” display.

You’ll be surprised at how much screen real estate instruments take up if you want to keep them a realistic size. Even with my 2 x 24” I sometimes struggle to fit everything. I think you could still clamp a 24” to the top of the yoke with a suitable bracket like you do with smaller ones but I get your main monitor arrangement makes it a problem for you. The 15.6” touch screen mentioned earlier in this thread is a good smaller option.

I’m using Little Navmap on a 10.1" tablet runnig Windows 10 next to my main 32" monitor which is hooked up to my laptop running MSFS and all works fine for me.

Topic moved into #self-service:pc-hardware

If you’re on a budget a couple of old laptop screens are ideal, suitable controllers should cost about 25-30 bucks each online. I’m not sure about US taxes though as mostly they are made in the far east.

How did you guys hook up these external touchscreen monitors? They all seem to want alt display mode (at least the $200 or less variety for a 15") which means USB-C to USB/USB-C backchannel so the touchscreen can work.

Mine are DP or HDMI with USB for touch.