Snow Cover or No Snow Cover

This has nothing to do with seasons. It has everything to do with the game interpriting the current weather conditions and applying snow cover when appropriate and not applying snow when it is not appropriate. Seasons would / should determine vegetation color, and amount. Dormant trees vs flourishing trees, etc.

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Of course seasons are appropriate.

What about a perfectly sunny day in January in Greenland? Should there not be any snow cover just because it isn’t snowing?

If the weather data does not indicate snow cover, which Meteoblue is capable of providing, then no, there should be no snow on the ground in-game. The problem is about what WX data the game uses and how in in turn displays it in-game. You can have a rare snow storm ‘out of season’ in many parts of the world. When Asobo talks about implementing seasons, they do not mean displaying current weather.

Currently, without seasons, snow is displayed on green trees full of leaves. If seasons were implemented, you would see snow on mostly leaveless trees and brown short grass, etc.


Its super annoying. It completely ruined my Icelandic VFR plans. Looking at BIEG covered in snow with +15C its so irritating, that’s no joy for me. I’m going Back to UK :smiley: to look at another boring cathedral

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For those who don’t watch Asobo’s video, they said that the weather system will be updated by the end of this year (which can explain why they don’t push any update regarding this yet).
Next year, the weather system will be even more accurate and, I kinda quote “we’ll actually have the best and accurate weather system ever made”.

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People are talking about the dynamically applied snow layer based on the current weather. When there are 25 °C (77 °F) summer days, the precipitation most definitely will be liquid, and there will be absolutely no snow on the ground in a valley in Switzerland, because Switzerland ist NOT Greenland. Not even close. What’s next? A snow cover in the Sahara?

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no way, if in real life sahara had snow, in msfs there will only sand, you don’t get logic of this situation lol

It is really annoying… first, before WU6, we had the issue that flying around Berner Oberland (and other regions in Switzerland) was basically no joy because of the ugly winter photo textures used and now, when ground textures and mesh are phenomenal, the live weather fails and depicts snow above about 1500m, which is just plain wrong and making flying around in those regions again a no-go… Do they get anything right once?

Screenshot taken above Grindelwald, today. According to meteoblue weather, they have currently 19°C, the night was 11°C as lowest temperature. HOW THE HECK can this now be covered in snow? Unbelievable, really. It did not even rain the last day over there… What a ridiculous weather engine, sorry to say…


One problem is if the ground was covered in snow at the time the satellite photography was taken. It strikes me as easier to add snow than to remove it.

Yup, I noticed the ridiculously false snow coverage around Grindelwald and Zermatt.
I’m sure there are other areas.
If one switches to a preset weather or uses Unreal Weather the snow vanishes, as it should.
Why does it take so long to fix something like this in the live weather?

Please read my post, 5 posts above yours.
That’s why. :slightly_smiling_face:

I know what they said. I still don’t understand why they are waiting with this specific issue.
They should just hotfix it. Especially considering that it shows up in the coverage area of their world updates.

It is not, there was no snow coverage before WU6, as I wanted to see the difference, I have flown over the same spot just the day before WU6…

OK my bad.

What bothers me most is that this BUG does not get LOGGED? Why Asobo? Don’t you think your snow coverage is totally bugged at least in some places? This might then be indeed related to the planned weather update @Flobud

Hopefully, after that promise, new weather system correctly represents the snow cover, even at low latitudes, like the Iberian Peninsula

Let’s see this snow season 2021-22 how it behaves in the simulator. :sweat_smile:

At the moment, in the first test that I’ve done with real weather, according to METEOBLUE, the mountain zone between Munich and Innsbruck doesn’t accumulate snow yet, BUT simulator it’s already represented with the first season snows. :roll_eyes:

We did not start this year well. :stuck_out_tongue:

This are just the satellite textures, they will always have snow on it, it is just a picture in the end…

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Really? Well … in this case fail on my side. :expressionless:

some area looks like Snowpiercer’s world.
Even lower than 1500… I usually like to flight VFR around Monte-Rosa-Massiv, but that’s ugly with all that snow covering the whole mountains and the valley at the bottom like a deep winter record snowfall.

I had hopes with German-Austria-Swiss update, but nothing changed.