Snow Cover or No Snow Cover

Its dependent on the weather you have set. For example, if you had Clear Sky set, and saw snow on the ground, then its probably because the streamed Bing imagery indicates snow.

Clear Sky won’t generate snow itself…unless maybe you then go in and manually set precipitation, and temperature accordingly, but then it’s no longer Clear Skies. I’m not certain I’ve tried that though.

If you do not use live weather, you are using a weather preset. There are some with snow and some without. And if you are not using live weather, it takes you about 2 seconds to add snow no matter what preset you use manually. End of the story. As there are no seasons implemented like in FSX and P3D, you simply wont get snow automatically in winter. Use live weather and hope that those bugged meteoblue snow coverage has snow for your region or set it up manually. No other option.

Thanks. I’ll play around with it this weekend.

Airports (runways and taxiways) buried in snow still seem to be an issue even in the latest beta (SU12). I just checked default PANC (Anchorage, Alaska), and it’s a mess in live weather:

Asobo, please fix this!


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I really hoped we’d get a snow cover slider with SU12. They talked about giving us the option during one of the recent dev Q+A’s. It would be so useful. As things stand the Alps are almost currently a no go area with live weather. Its such a shame.

is there any way we can vote on this snow coverage slider? I love live weather. Hmmm love is maybe too much. I like live weather, but hate HATE the snow in the game. Bad transitions, frozen (or rather covered with uniform white plane) water, white roads. Definitely my biggest issue with the game ever since they implemented the snow

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It is not just love hate, online networks require live winds and setting them manually is tedious, but in the alps live weather vor vfr flying is unusable as the snow representation is completely immersion breaking especially with snow and ice covered oakes at 20* celsius


Weather in Majorca is currently thick snow and very cold, just flown in and no snow to be seen? Not sure what’s happening as live weather is on

check meteoblue snow coverage map and you get your answer pretty fast…

Not having snow is a blessing in this game. Enjoy it.


Jokes aside, meteoblue doesn’t have any snow cover there when zoomed out. If you zoom in a bit there’s some, but that’s not the data resolution MSFS uses. Be careful what you wish for - if the snow does show up in game it’ll probably come with a ring of frozen Mediterranean Sea, lol.

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The problem is, as for many other bugs, they seem to be overwhelmed by the complexity in this aspect. Of course, if you zoom fully in in the Alps the snow coverage map from meteoblue is pretty much extremely accurate with snow on the mountain tops but none low in the valleys. But I wonder if it is possible at all to introduce the highest res map from meteoblue, if it is streamed live, then maybe yes, but otherwise it might be just too much data.

BUT: this does NOT excuse the ridiculous, immersion breaking situation we have now. I would prefer no snow at all over this rubbish. So the workaround for time being might be indeed a menue option where you can define whether or not you want snow coverage in live weather.


This is also a pretty strange case to me - I know that the snow coverage map in MSFS is not as exact as it can be but this area including lake Arrowhead:

does by far not show any snow coverage on Meteoblue :wink:

Not even precipitation of significance is expected here - so why is the whole area covered in white? :wink:


Do you have the addon for Black Bear in your community folder? That adds snow to that area if I recall correctly. Webcams in that area do show significant snow coverage by the way.

You are 9 days too late and I do have the “Big Bear” add-on, however usually the area is not that snowy :wink: I checked also webcams in that area back when reported and they did not show snow.

Comparison shot of the same area right now with the same addon being installed:

However as the snow was not shown on Meteoblue it should also not be displayed by the shaders of MSFS as the data which controls this comes directly from Meteoblue, even if it would be there in real life :wink:

after the AU1 there was less snow on runways, now after SU12 it’s back to being snowy

Just throwing my hat in the ring to commiserate. The snow situation around southern British Columbia is dire. Big globs of snow which ignore the terrain, frozen ocean which is ridiculous even in the deepest winter around here. I just wish I could turn it off until they implement it properly.

There should just be snowcapped peaks this time of year.


This idss over northwestern USA today Close to Boise. Just checked, its 20*C in Boise, its mid-april. It’s looksd like flying over Antarctica. The utterly broken snow cover is one of the biggest immersion breakers in the sim ATM.


What? They don’t have three feet of snow in Chilliwack right now?

I just change the weather and fast forward to July. I can’t wait for real spring anyway, here in Calgary.

Yeah the snow cover is a pain. If there is hint of snow anywhere just get blanket snow over a huge area. Especially an issue near mountainous areas where if there is snow at the top as there might be it is applied far, far too widely. Add to this the frozen water that goes with it and it’s pretty immersion killing.