Snow partially at low altitudes at 19°C in LOWI

Well, the question is: is it worse to have some spots that are free of snow when temps are above 5°C although ot should not or the situation we have now with vast areas showing snow even at 20°C? To me, the decision would be easy…

Personally I would settle for nothing less than high realism. I want neither snow where there is none, nor no snow where there should be snow.

@FarlisKaneebe i am sorry but again, i agree with you that a specific amount of snow is not melting instantly when there is +5°C. But LOWI is snow free since february. I am a local. Cherry blossom is already gone. But i take into account your info, that Asobo is not just taking the temps for snow coverage, instead also snow coverage data itself. But anyhow, i am really curious from whre they get these snow coverage. When LOWI is snow free since february, other areas at same elevation (germany, italy) was also snow free. just taking snow coverage information from ski resorts up in the mountains is not realistic.
From where do you have the information, that they use cloud coverage data for that? And,… do you have a link where the we can look at the cloud coverage data from meteoblue… havent find one for me personally.

@AndyXPO: yes this line of code should do it, and if FarlisKaneebe still thinks

new suggestion to Asobo to fix the problem: dont use snow coverage information. just check the local ski resorts if chairlifts are open or not, if closed, dont depict snow :smiley:

We have been over this in this thread multiple times. Just read a little back.

My understanding is they take a too low resolution map for snow coverage, such that if snow is present on the mountains the resolution is too poor and it bleeds into the valley.

I would also agree that yes ideally we get this as realistic as possible, but I think the vast majority of people would rather sometimes no snow at 6C when there should be snow, rather than full on Day after Tomorrow conditions for months and months in certain locations.

By the way, I predict they will soon declare this as fixed or cannot reproduce, only because the coarse map will finally switch to snow free, only for the problem to return next winter.


@FarlisKaneebe i could say the same to you.
but you never supplied the source of your information, nor the link for meteo blus snow coverage data. that one was new.

its getting ridiculous… ehm i mean summer
Reallife METAR LOWI: LOWI 051650Z 07011KT 9999 FEW070 BKN110 18/07 Q1017 NOSIG
→ +18°C

this is what the sim looks like


Yesterday there was a complete snwo cover at LOWI, :cold_face:

since a couple of weeks there are two-figure positive degrees in Innsbruck, I am flying randomly every couple days there so - Asobo please fix this! yesterday, today - last couple of days there is snow although there is no snow in reality and very-very May with very-very warm temperatures! VOTE UP


Always have to turn off live weather when flying there. Not only is it snowy, it’s completely white, runway and all, literally can’t see the runway. I’m used to it by now. Sad state of affairs that certain parts of the world are just unusable.


The snow coverage is supposed to come from meteoblue’s snow coverage data, which you can find here:

It’s just showing snow on the peaks and not in the valley. So I guess this is a problem on Asobo’s end?

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Of course it is not the data… rather the fact, that Asobo only uses the snow coverage in its lowest available resolution. Clearly visible on NZ Southern Island, where you only have snow on the low res map during summer, none as soon as you zoom in a little bit

I flew across the Alps from Basel to Vienna at FL340 today and the extend of the snowcoverage was really something to behold. It is clear that this is extremely broken.
I would like to see at least some confirmation that they know this (I assume so, they see the same things we do when flying with live weather) and that it will be fixed. Preferably now, and not in 6 months.


thanks @CoastalGamer for providing this link… however, there is now snow cover in this map, which represents the real world around LOWI (as a local i can confirm). but not sure what Asobo is doing.
Today we had blasting +27°C in the evening @ UTC1800 … and the SIM still shows snow in LOWI with live-weather —> now it really has to STOP Asobo (@Jummivana)
this is how its in the sim (note the METAR also shows +27°C)


Yes, there is, as we mentioned many times, for whatever reason, Asobo is using the lowest possible resolution of the meteoblue snow coverage map, and there is a huge snow “blob” over the Alps right now with extremly unprecise boarders, exactly what you see in the sim.


This is LOWI Innsbruck with live weather at 21 degrees Celsius today in MSFS. Really?

Here this is a webcam shot of today in the real world.

I wonder if Jörg is even aware of this…

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Yeah, this is starting to be ridiculously annoying. Can’t even see the runway properly.

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Maybe he is, but he’s gotta get the surprise out that nobody asked for. And another one in autumn. And the top gun expansion. And plan for 3 new local legends. And it’s only in Europe. Besides, the problem will solve itself when the snow on the mountains in the coverage disappears. Maybe in August. Then we’ll have two months where LOWI is playable. I’m excited.

It’s like with VR, they hired a dedicated VR team…and in the next sentence announced that they have reassigned them to other tasks to “get the benefit of their work there”. You just have to laugh sometimes.


Hi @thecoronadian ,
The best surprise would be if the multitude of current problems would be addressed and fixed before adding any new expansions etc. There are plenty of issues that require attention.
Just my 2 cents.


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