Snow with live weather [solved]

Hello, today i landed at KORD and its supposed to be snowing but there is no snow. Is snow simulated with live weather?

Yes, but I don’t think you see it accumulate. You will see snow in the sky, some snow on the ground, or both. What isn’t so hot is the weather data being injected, it’s a little better but still quite off in most areas or hours behind.

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Ok, thank you!

Hello there, @DegxI. I was thinking you might be interested in checking out this topic below, as in the future it might provide a fix for your issue.

So there’s not currently snow with live weather? Like rain?

Yes, there is rain in the simulator, but you might not see snow due to MSFS yet not supporting seasons.

Dang, thanks for help :slight_smile:

You could, however, enable it manually via the weather panel.

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I’ve seen snow in cloud layers flying this time of year but it’s been too warm on the ground yet for it.

Maybe it was sleet, but it was distinctly different than rain and in freezing temps.

I think the weather system, aside from seasons, might also need some improvements for snow on the ground. I wonder if it is possible for msfs to get the exact layers of snow in inches for a specific area range.

We’re getting an overhaul of the weather system with SU7. Hopefully there’s a better representation of snow. It’s in the sim now, but its accuracy is questionable, and it doesn’t take into account accumulation.

Just spawned in at CYWK where I know it’s snowing today, and it is in the sim as well. There should be way more of an accumulation on the ground there, but it’s definitely snowing in te sim.

Had snow accumulation at YWG as well today.

Ok, so im rn parked at KORD and is snowing. Looks like snow is supported with current weather system

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