I’m back on the current game ready drivers and so far my performance has been really good with DX12 however still some noticeable fps drops at payware airports.
I’m sitting at Orlando ATM with the Fenix A320 in cloudy live weather.PMDG performs better than Fenix even under DX12.
The settings I changed:
Texture Resolution is set to High instead of Ultra. SuperSampling is lowered as well.
I had the absolute WORST experience with the Studio drivers, unfortunately. I got super high GPU times (100ms+!!!) and had to roll back. In fact, roll back via GeForce Experience got stuck on the “preparing to install” so I had to manually run the EXE for the GRD driver and do a clean install.
I am now tempted to do this again, but with the studio driver but with a CLEAN INSTALL. Will report back if it helps
After validating my 516 drivers/DX11 was copacetic coming out of SU10 Beta, I took the plunge and updated to the Studio Drivers and went to DX12. So far, so good. I’ve not seen a penalty in forward view FPS or external FPS. I did note that with my hat switch set to eight-way view from the cockpit, turning to look to the side or quarter-rear views seemed much smoother than the previous settings.
I did note some artifacting on both fences at the Gaya KBID (just some high reflectivity flash) as well as some just-barely-noticable weird texturing on the water occasionally - not discolored, but just some odd texture that didn’t quite match the wave patterns - it would come and go.
Not bad for a Beta, but I need more hours with it under different lighting/weather, which I’ll get since I fly Live WX all the time.
So far that’s two reports of “still blurry/ghosting” and one of “not blurry/ghosting”. That’s surprising. Why would different people have different results on avionics display ghosting?
Switch to low end and see what it does on your system from there move upwards by manaully change settings.
But if you change terrain resolution make sure you restart the sim and then dont switch the other to
Ultra immediatly but build it up step by step sometimes up sometimes down use the tlod and dlod sliders for tweaking and tunning
I am going to second this post.
The difference between the latest game ready driver, and the new studio driver, is night and day.
Don’t delay… Download the studio driver today
Actually, the latest (517.48) game ready driver dropped today. I installed it and on my rig it is identical in performance to the previous studio driver. There are a few additional switches in the graphics settings, that’s about all. Frames are good (55-60-ish) and smooth as butter with DLSS and DX12. Same as the Studio Driver.