I have an i7-7700K (15% overclock) 32GB ram and a GTX1080ti - and it’s very smooth flying in VR, no stutters or issues and running on ULTRA settings.
The only issue I found(so far) is that when building up ice you don’t see it in VR.
This is really confusing. Our systems are very very similar. The 2060 is around the 1080ti as well (I have it overclocked). WTF am I doing wrong? I waited for VR since launch
According to FPS VR my GPU is at 100% and it’s all in the red, meaning frame time is very high.
Exact same hardware for me, with a Rift S, and frame rates are fine in VFR flights in the countryside (although most settings high / medium). Really, try turning the fps off - does it still stutter? Not sure I’ve found a correct fps monitor in VR yet, but I’ve heard that 30 in VR is just fine (unlike 2d)
FS burns a hole in your computer even just on screen, should be no surprise that it is harder in VR.
I am running a 2070 on an i7 9700… I’m getting perfectly reasonable frames, but I did have to dial some things back. You’re never going to get your screen performance in VR.
But stop staring at a frame rate count… look at if you can get it running smooth, that is what really matters. As long as its not surging, or dropping frames you’re in good shape… Check the link below for hints if you haven’t already.
Generally speaking any Nvidia card with a number ending in xx60 or less is going to suffer in really heavy lifting. If you can afford in the future, always get an xx70 or greater, the difference is huge.
Followed the guide posted in this board and I get a fairly consistent 25-28fps in New York at low altitudes. That’s on a Quest 2 running the game over Virtual Desktop. Unfortunately, lag is a bit of an issue, running around 105-110ms, mostly coming from the game itself. Still quite impressed by that though, given my modest hardware.
Haven’t looked at how my hardware is running yet. And everything is stock speeds. I’m hoping with a little testing and legwork, and maybe some overclocking, I can get lag down and maybe even push the frame rate up to a (fairly) consistent 30fps.
Really odd how much people’s experiences are varying with this one.
i7 9900k, 1080Ti (457.09 driver), 32GbRAM, HP Reverb G2
I did not change any settings before first test flight, and settings is on ULTRA minus buildings and trees on Medium. I did not find a way to tell FPS, but flight was fluid without any issues regarding FPS.
Although I did not do anything in settings and my normal monitor is HD, I noticed low quality on sea, shadows and runway markings, so something have changed.
I will look into other members tips about graphic settings to see if I can at least get the sea to look good, but basically very happy with the OutOfTheBox performance. Had only time for one test flight yesterday, but will dive into it this afternoon.
I’m always a bit surprise when someone claims that 30fps is “barely” playable. TV is 25fps, and no one seems to claim that it is barely watchable.
30fps is smooth, that’s fine for me, personally.
Stutters in my experience with VR in these months are not due to graphic load but to something else, from the occupation plots CPU and GPU drop during stutters.
I have 32 Gb ram, I7 8700K, GTX1080. The sim runs smoothly on-screen with most on ultra. In my Quest 2 I get like 3 fps. Completely unusable. I have read a ton of guides, tips, and tricks but nothing helps. Empty community folder, regedit, settings in sim and Oculus debug tool, tray tool, nvidia control panel, updated drivers etc. Something must be wrong. I have smooth VR in Xplane, DCS etc.
When you are in 2D you can click on Show FPS and then go back to 3D. Then just remove your headset a little to glance at the FPS. The FPS will be in your left eye partially so it’s just for testing.
I have a 3070 and 3600, I put rendering at 100 and almost everything else at low or off. I can get 40-55fps in places with no minimum buildings. Going to do some more tweaking later.
Unfortunately my 3600 is bottlenecking everything not sure if DX12 will help with that or if I should look into upgrading.
Yeah, with everyone having different setups it will always vary. Even with the same setup there will always be some background software affecting performance. Glad to see you’re getting good VR FPS in NYC!
Are you talking about the guide by CaptLucky8, if so I’m planning on trying it out tomorrow. I have a 3070, R5 3600, 32gb. Not sure how your 2600 is handling but my 3600 is definitely the bottleneck. Hoping DX12 will help somewhat with that.
Have you thought about buying a link cable off aliexpress? I got one for $11 and it works great!