SOLVED Photogrammetry not working for me

Since about 10:30 CET, I have no photogrammetry.
All settings in MSFS data are OK
Restarted router.
Tried VPN in USA and Australia.
Reseted and restarded MS store account.
Reseted account in sim, but returns automatically
The only think I see is that I’m connected but can not view or select other servers: I see Automatic and a small circle turning.

Any help will be appreciated.

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Can you show us a screenshot of the page with the photogrammetry options, please? The whole list if possible.

Make sure that settings under data connection are on.

If settings are on turn off photogrametry and save changes.
Turn on photogrametry and save changes, fly.

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What about the bottom of the page? I don’t remember the options there, but it should show how much data has been downloaded, as well as your cache size. That’s why I said the whole lost, not a cropped one.

Oops, wrong person. :grinning: @SlippedSheep437 Same as above, plus the bottom half as well.

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I agree with the OP.

On Thursday when flying over Portland the photogrammetry was rubbish, I had the whole melted city thing going on.

On Friday, it was back and fine, as I flew down from Portland to Cali. Friday night up to midnight, I was blazing the 5k and even able to switch to full HDR, even enabling VESA 400 support with in my monitor with no descernable performance loss. Tonight’s flight into San Fran over the Napa valley are going to be epic if the perf gains continue.
I notice a weekly cycle. Monday to Wednesday, there are noticeable performance declines. Thursday Friday mornings it’s terrible. Friday through Sunday is normally great!!

I think Asobo are working Monday to Thursday, making upgrades, developing, Friday the weekend shift comes in they get everything rigged up so the best play is set for the weekend, as, it’s my presumption, that all of this is tweakable server side.

Like when did water have max settings of high? I noticed this week there is no ultra …

Clouds are pretty shoddy at 100 render scale, go to 120 and they are sweet but at that point I have significant FPS drop. All tweaked server side is my guess.

So summary, some dude at Asobo is say turning knobs balancing performance on the servers, for lod, renderscale, clouds, photogrammetry and and some point in the process some knobs go to zero and some some to max!! Then they mess till they get it tight for the weeks work.

All a guess but it makes sense to me at least.

Turn off and on online functions (all) with no sucess, I forgot to mention.

@ hobanagerik:
I never use cache size, but this morning when looking for the problem was activated and I have deleted it.

Thanks both for your interest!

Working to find a solution repairing Store, Xbox and MSFS, starting the program I get the message:

Access to the content servers is currently unavailable

Possible solution (If fails waiting for a patch):

The program has been uninstalled (not by me), reinstalled and finally I have photogrammetry.

MS Store and Xbox just make it complicated, since January that I started in Alpha this is my first problem in MSFS

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Holy ■■■■, for the past couple of months I have been playing with the Graphics set to Ultra, but Bing Graphics and Photogrammetry were turned off. That does make a difference!

I was getting particularly upset at the Bush missions, where the target area looked nothing like the pictures in the mission briefing, or on Google maps, to the point that grass runways were basically invisible. On one leg I had to land and drive around randomly and stop every once and a while, and hope that eventually I would “find” the mission end zone. It worked, but ■■■■…

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