Somebody is charging EUR 11.99 for some cfg edits to the FBW A320 over at simMarket

A payware addon that modifies a freeware addon that modifies a default aircraft?

The flight sim community really will buy anything.


Another way to look at it is SimMarket will sell anything.


I love the way this FBW A320 is.
I think they deserve a small donation.

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Yup. It’s SimMarket - full of junk as usual.


Simmarket sells anything, that’s why i don’t buy from them.
But i find it more hilarious that there are people actually buy this â– â– â– â– .


As long as you are buying planes/scenery from well known developers, Simmarket should be ok though, right? What other sellers are better? Just Flight? Aerosoft?

I bought something in 2003 from SimMarket :slight_smile: It was FSUIPC 3. Worked well :slight_smile:

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Wow, this add-on sounds terrific and it even has less attack on the rudder
Whatever this means :joy:

The reviews don’t seem too… legitimate.

If I just spent money to have slightly less attack on the rudder I wouldn’t be that ecstatic about it.

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That is shocking. Those guys at FBW are amazing.

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This is what happens when the makers of the SIM do not enforce quality control. Garbage, broken and un working add-ons are sold on the In sim market… why would anyone expect simmarket to refuse this?

There is no QC trend so it becomes a free for all!

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On the other hand imposing a restrictive license that requires approval to develop addons for the sim would severely limit the kind of creativity and huge payware and freeware scenes that have developed over the decades around flight simulators.

And Sim Market could easily refuse it. Other marketplaces like Orbx and Just Flight don’t have the kind of free for all rubbish you see on Sim Market. (or in the official in-game store for that matter)


SimMarket wont post negative reviews, which is a bad sign to say the least!


if they are not illegal products … simmarket does its business,
it is we who do not have to buy at random

They can’t enforce the quality of third party mods distributed on a platform they don’t own, and have no control over.

Get rid of the idea to control everything. It’s a free market, and as long as they don’t violate any copyrights they can try to sell whatever they want. If you buy a bad vacuum cleaner it’s totally up to you. If you buy a car that falls apart and doesn’t start it’s up to you too. If you buy bad software addons just because they are available… guess what.

It’s a pity that Asobo put these bad addons in their marketplace but below the line they only harm their own reputation. Simmarket? I’d do the same. If people buy it why shouldn’t I sell it? The faked reviews is another thing, that gets close to fraud.

Please tell me how it would be enforced on a platform they don’t own. The only alternative is to make the sim completely closed and let user buy from the in-game marketplace only, where only add-ons are allowed after rigorous testing and if they deemed worthy.

I will take the current open architecture any day of the week.


Make every mod marketplace exclusive with encrypted files and delayed updates? That’s a no from me.

More proof that simmarket will sell anything and have no integrity.

A flying coutch for €14.99 would be perfect simmarket content.

On a more serious note:

Im pretty sure this is illegal considering that the FBW 320 is a third party freeware product and this is a payware addon for that freeware addon that is mostly based on microsofts assets. Making money on asobos 3D model without their consent is… fraud?

There have been many addons taken down from simmarket after a lot of backlash. If it doesnt get noticed they dont remove the â– â– â– â– .

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If they are only selling .cfg files the model and texture files are untouched. You could write a new flight_model.cfg from scratch which, in theory, is your creation and doesn’t hurt any copyright.