Sound no longer working during flights 12/23/2020

After mandatory update that occurred on 12/23, sound is no longer working for flights. The music is present as the game is loading initially, but then no sound is present at all when you enter a flight. I checked all settings, and all settings are correct. After rebooting game and computer multiple times, still no sound. Game worked fine yesterday including sound, before update.

I had a similar sound problem – it quit working shortly after pressing the “Fly” button. Last night it worked – today it didn’t?

So what is different?

In my case, last night’s flights were done with an empty Community folder and the default CFG files as downloaded during the patch. Then today, I put back the mods from my old Community folder (including Navigraph data) and suddenly I have the sound issues and CTD.

I cleared out my Community folder and tried flying again. Long flight, no problem.

Conclusion? Keep the Community folder empty for at least a few days after any update. You’ll be able to fly until the mod and third party groups can fix their stuff.

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I’m having the same problem. All correct sound settings. I can hear the music and other sounds, but when entering the flight, no sound. No ATC chatter, can’t hear the engine after starting. I tried clearing out the Community folder, but still no sound.

Apparently I didn’t clear the “correct” community folder. I just did that and like Yeti said, I now have sound.

Anyone manged to narrow it down to a specific mod(s) in the Community folder?
I had the same issue I cleared my Community folder and slowly added them all back in but now still have sound.

I have the same problem, still no sound.

Back today. All mods and no sound.
Emptied Community folder - still no sound.

edit: Even deleted the Community folder to make the game create a new one - still no sound

Same issue. Menu sounds and music is fine, but no ATC or plane sounds. My Community folder was empty, but I do use PACX which installs in the same directory as MSFS. Not sure if that could be causing the issue.

Very frustrating.

I have even reinstalled MSFS, still very frustrating with the sound problem. Are we the only ones who have the sound problem? This is really annoying now. I have no idea why. After the reinstallation, I didn’t install any addons, so the pure MSFS installation.

Managed to get sound back today with all mods enabled. Restarted Sim a few times still had sound
Restarted Sim just now as I’d been playing for a while. Back to no sound.

I found the solution. Didn’t have a headset connected. I connected my headset, defined it as the input source in Windows, started the MSFS and the sound (motor and radio) everything was back.

Is your headset set as the default audio output for Windows? Not sure how changing an input would affect the output, and only some of it when the music and interface noises still work.

I’ve just run some more tests based on what you’ve just said. (Using the PA44 Seminole and EGMC as my departure airport each time to keep it the same).

Default sound settings = MSFS set to Sound Blaster Z (default)

  • Load MSFS, change sound card to onboard (not default) and carry on playing = Sound stays working
  • Restart MSFS = Sound NOT working
  • While MSFS is still running, change sound card to Sound Blaster Z (default) and carry on playing = Sound stays NOT working
  • Restart MSFS = Sound working

Bug report to be filed then

In MSFS under SOUNDS, see if Spatial Sound is ON. If so, turn it OFF and see if that returns your sound.


I set a sound input source in the Windows sound settings (i.e. headset voice input), then started MSFS and all sounds were available again. MSFS sound settings:
I have communication choices based on headphone simulation; Room sound image off

i cleared my community folder (even deleted it) and still no engine sound. I get ATC voices but no engine sound.

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Some (many) of the mods change the official Asobo configuration files for the default aircraft and add sound files outside of the community folder when you run their installer.

If you want to verify that the problem is with the default aircraft, rename the official aircraft folder and download that aircraft again from the marketplace. Shut down the computer and restart, then start the sim again, select the default plane, and see if the problem still exists. If the problem goes away, then the mod was responsible, likely from changing the official files.


Yesterday ATC sound go strange. I still hear my own voice, but the ATC either responds very softly or has no voice at all. I do not know what it depends on. I checked my voice settings, tried to change them, but no changes were made. The problem is with both Azure and Microsoft sounds.

I did this and reinstalled 172 classic and still no sound :frowning:

I did not have this issue before v1.12.13.0. I have always run the sound from MSFS on another output source other than the default. On the odd occasion I streamed, it meant only the audio from MSFS went to OBS and not system sounds etc.

I can reproduce the issue using the steps I posted above, 100% of the time (with and without addons in the Community folder).

This is how I got the sounds to stay working:

  • Run MSFS
  • Go to Options > General > Sound
  • Press F12 or click on ‘Reset to Defaults’ (Mine reset to the below)

  • Press F11 or click on ‘Apply To Save’
  • Press the Windows key on keyboard and type in Sound Settings, click on the result
  • Scroll down and click on ‘Advanced sound options’
  • Check that ‘Microsoft Flight Simulator’ is set to ‘Default’

    (I clicked in the top drop-down box next to ‘Microsoft Flight Simulator’ and changed it to something else then back to ‘Default’)
  • Close ‘Sound Settings’
  • Quit MSFS (I tried with and without rebooting, made no difference)
  • Run MSFS

The only changes I made after running MSFS again was some of the levels. i.e. Aircraft Engines and Warnings sounds down to 50%.


does the above fix work with addons in community?