South Africa world update

Cape Town City area is done quite well regarding photogrammetry and mesh generally but I noticed the surrounding areas still need more detail which will unavoidably require more computing power and thus take a toll on decent fps. My suggestion for a Africa Update is to start off with the western cape area at least and continue “bit by bit “ northwards giving time for more perfection…:slightly_smiling_face:

But South Africa has a huge aviation community. Currently on, South Africa is 11th for the number of addons by country, and that number went down dramatically because one of the creators of airports removed all his airports during the drama. There are a large number of South African YouTube channels of South African pilots, most notably recently Sling Pilot Academy and JP Schultze just documented their 3 Sling aircraft group flight from Johannesburg to Oshkosh. South Africa is a very active aviation community, and very active in MSFS.


I would break Africa up into 3 Parts:

Northern Africa
Central Africa
Southern Africa

Northern Africa due to its proximity to Europe and Asia has a huge aviation presence. Places like Egypt, Etiopia, and Morroco will be great areas to cover.

Then there is the central part of Africa which probably has the least data available. Nigeria, Kenya and Ghana strikes me as an area that has enough airports and aviation data available. Mt Kilimanjaro is a great mountain to cover.

Southern Africa, especially South Africa also has a vibrant aviation presence. The Southern part of Africa has places like Victoria Falls, Fish River Canyon (second largest in the world), and Okavango Delta (very popular bush flying). Namibia has the Namib Desert (the oldest desert in the world) and places like Sossusvlei and hundreds of bush strips. If you count Mauritius for this region, this is a beautiful island to fly into.

So please vote for South(ern) Africa.