I know (and agree) that this is way down the road, but now that stratospheric flight is possible… let’s increase that 275,000-foot ceiling.
The simulation is reaching closer to the stars, so I think it’s only natural that it heads toward a complete space simulation too, where we can rendezvous in orbit, or even set out on a mission the moon.
If I where in a position like Jörg , I would contact Elon Musk to support msfs spacesim
as a to get many young people into spaceflight!
Since the birth of the "Starship " by Elon Musk, the imagination among professionals
of what you can do realistically with such a technology at reasonable cost is unbounded and
so enthusiastic as never before.
Did not know that . Thanks for the (at least for me) very very interesting hints !!!
Your diagram is wonderful !!!
Hopefully it will apply to me as well,
you made me confident and very curious now.
Bye, walter
Just coming back from youtube videos about KERBAL.
I’ll definetely get it, already looking forward to V 2.0 and VR.
A lot of thanks to you for opening this new “world” to me.
You see, I’m already very enthusiastic about it.
KSP is over 10 years old now and Orbiter is older than that, but they still hold up. Supposedly there’s a KSP 2.0 coming out soon, although I don’t know if it’ll be as popular. What made the first versions of that game so good was the community, and most people have moved on.
I would like to see the Upper limit of 275k feet increased to what it was on FSX (on FSX, it was 100 000 000ft from what I read on internet)
Why am I asking that? its because there is a developer working on a Space Addon (started for FSX, now its also for P3D, and he would like to have it on MSFS too, but because of the altitude limitation, the orbit would be unrealisticly low).
In case you wonder, as you know, MSFS dont have Space flight Physics, but its also the case for FSX/P3D, the Developer created an External Flight Dynamic model, the Simulator is not a limit anymore.
I can understand that all. But you know, the Microsoft Flight Simulator is a FLIGHT SIM! Not a Space Sim. And that, maybe is the thing, why the developers don’t want to make this: That you can fly into the space!
I understand you point of view and Honnestly I could say agree a bit
MSFS being a World already available (Real Time, real weather, All Airports etc, see people are even using boats :P), and the SpacePort developer being able to have proper flight dynamics (MSFS Flight Dynamics is not an issue anymore), Im pretty sure it would be easier for Asobo to Increase the upper Limite than for Misho to create a complete game engine
I am personnaly more interrested in having SpacePort in MSFS than a Separate sim (the same way I was happy to have it directy on FSX, but now that I switched, I fell in love with MSFS graphisms), having all in one, saving disk space and also knowing the plateform (keybinds, controls, views), MSFS can also easily be improved by 3rd party Sceneries and aircraft (and so Spacecraft hehe).
It’s Still Flight in the end While the Video only shows Rocket, I must say that we can also have more like the Space Shuttle (ok, it flew half as good as a dead tuna, but still )
This would be an additional interesting and fun area inside MSFS, though watching the videos, it would be time to rely on internal MSFS visual capabilities, so to enhance some few parts, including characters, glass display, though not limited to this only, also the flight path and waypoints management displayed on the glass cockpit, to get the best visual and accuracy that would deserve MSFS
It may not be as easy as all that, if they have scaled distance in a certain way, that imposes a max limit.
I strongly suspect its a lot more than just changing a parameter somewhere in the code from 275,000 to 100,000,000
I’m still trying to get past a whole crowd of Fantasy Space ships Hovering about KDCA, (Washington, DC) every time I fly in there, not to mention masses of F18 buzzing the airport & Tower.
My request would first to be a users settable
“MP Player” & “Aircraft” “FILTER” for MSFS MP.
Not trying to stop anyone from “doing their own thing” in MP – I just don’t want to see some of their “own thing” in what I see in MP.
The MP server can be dumb/simple and send me whatever, I just would like the option Locally on my PC, to filter out what I choose NOT to see. !!
You can just turn off Multiplayer and set AI traffic models to generic ones.
As this game provides entertainment for me first and foremost, i think it’s hilarious watching a low-quality A380 hovering in one spot before zooming at disgustingly fast speeds. I don’t care what they’re flying and it doesn’t affect me one bit in the end. It doesn’t harm my immersion because again, i’m provided with entertainment, not just life-like experiences in a virtual setting
I agree i let people do their own thing. But I won’t go as far as saying “but my immersion is ruined” when i not only have the option of simply ignoring those planes as they’re going about, but turning them off all together. AIG is fantastic at bringing life to airports without being bogged down by random players zooming around an airport with no discernable intention
lol apologies. I didn’t mean to imply that’s what you were saying. However there are plenty of people who will say those kinds of things because the game is not able to be played exactly how they want to play it whether it’s a gamebreaking bug or immersion-breaking features like sci-fi ships flying all over the place.
NGL, i was a little confused when i saw the TC77 blah blah designation for the Pelican in game. I was like “what is that and why does everyone have it? Must be popular…” Took like 2 weeks for me to realize (which i did today) that’s the pelican.