Spanish voices please

This is a game (or simulator, or whatever…), and the exclusive use of english implies a big problem to anybody who does not understand english. That is why usually games are translated into other languages. Selfishness has no limits.


Two years into a games release so complaining that the use of English, the language of choice for international ATC throughout the world is selfish, will fall of deaf ears. You must have been aware of this language limitation when you bought the game!

Solution would be to translate the ATC to whatever language in the ATC window but keep the text to speech in English.


My solution: I fly using VFR and never read or listen the ATC, just because everytime ATC speaks is a pain. I Just fly from one airport to another following all the other routines, but the ATC is always away from my mind.

I would have bought this game even if I knew ATC only speaks in english. Some games think on everybody, and some games don’t. You can call that shelfishness, or whatever you want if you don’t like the word.

I just say that, for many people, this game could be better if minds were more open.

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That’s a great idea.

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Well you also need to preserve some realism and fact is that most of aviation is using the English language. Some translation using ATC window would be best of both worlds.