Left and right are quick views. Scroll down in the file and search for the h (for heading) value of 90 and -90 degree
Thank you so much. I was able to find the left pan on the Cessna 172 Standard and flatten it out so it was not looking so much down.
;Pan Left
Title =“QuickView_L2”
Guid =“{5A4F74D1-653F-4BB8-81C3-EBCA63BB7CE1}”
Description =“”
Origin =“Virtual Cockpit”
MomentumEffect =1
SnapPbhAdjust =“Swivel”
SnapPbhReturn =0
PanPbhAdjust =“Swivel”
PanPbhReturn =0
Track =“None”
ShowAxis =“YES”
AllowZoom =1
InitialZoom =0.35
SmoothZoomTime =2
ZoomPanScalar =1
ShowWeather =1
XyzAdjust =1
ShowLensFlare =0
Category =“Cockpit”
SubCategory =“QuickView”
SubCategoryItem =“QuickView4”
PitchPanRate =20
HeadingPanRate =60
;InitialXyz|XYZ|Determines the camera’s location in relation to the origin, in meters.
;x= distance left or right. + is right and – is left.
;y= distamce up and down. + is up and _ is down.
;z= distance forward and back. + is forward and – is backwards
InitialXyz = 0.03, 0.06, 0.15
;Camera pitch, bank and heading orientation offset from the default in degrees.
;Note that positive pitches give a downward view, and positive headings are to the right.
;All values are in degrees, between:
;-90 to 90.0 (pitch)
;-180 to 180.0 (bank and heading)
;InitialPbh = -10, 0, -30
;InitialPbh = -25, 0, -90
InitialPbh = 0, 0, -90
ClipMode =“Normal”
BoundingBoxRadius =0.1
Thanks So much
Glad I could help. I edited the post because I advertently wrote p (pitch) instead of h (heading), but I assume you sorted it out.
Thanks again. Is there any documentation of which “view” is which cockpit command? I also figured that the alt+x user saved view is in a different place. But that allowed me to do away with a lot of guess work.
Did you read this post: Carenado Piper Arrow for MSFS to be released imminently - #138 by Player443549850.
What a great thread with so much info and knowledge shared.
Thanks everyone who contributed!